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How to Be a VIP

It's hard to believe that Healthcare Design Expo & Conference is coming up so quickly. I look forward to every aspect of this conference from the pre-conference sessions and tours to the social events and keynote presentations. 

The Center will again have two conference booths  one on the second floor where sessions are held and one in the Expo Hall. Stop by at both and say hello!

A conference highlight for me is The Center's VIP Reception. This is a chance for The Center to show appreciation for all our members and volunteers who represent the very best about our industry. It is this prestigious community who fosters the EBD movement and advances our work through their support. We always look forward to seeing everyone and celebrating during this reception.

This year's VIP Reception will be on the evening of November 2, 2019 from 6:00 8:00 PM and will include an auction filled with iconic items. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you there. Not yet a member? No worries become a member and look forward to receiving your VIP Reception invitation!

Be well,

Debra Levin, Hon. FASID, EDAC
President and CEO


to join us at exclusive HCD sessions with top industry experts!


W01: Coaching Workshop: Practical Application of Evidence-based Design
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

W07: EDAC Exam Prep Session
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM

VIP Reception & Auction
(members only)
6:00 - 8:00 PM

SUNDAY, NOV 3, 2019

E08: Telemedicine, Where We Are and Why The Built Environment Matters
9:30 - 10:30  AM

E22: Research Matters: 10 Picks for the Year
1:45 - 2:45 PM

MONDAY, NOV 4, 2019

I09: New Research and New Results: Go Behind the Scenes
9:45 - 10:45 AM

A20: EDAC Examination
11:00 - 1:00 PM

A23: The Owners Perspective: Key Insights Impacting the Future of Healthcare Design and Construction
2:00 - 4:00 PM

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
1300 S. Peters Street
New Orleans, LA 70130

Register for HCD Expo & Conference and then select the sessions you want to attend.

More information here



Free Tools & Resources

Interactive Design Diagrams

Healthcare is provided in a variety of settings, from a person’s home to outpatient clinics, to the hospital. While the settings may differ across the continuum of care, the objectives of safety, efficiency, satisfaction, and high quality care remain constant. This set of interactive diagrams provides a link between the evidence base, design strategies, and desired outcomes – in a visually intuitive and actionable format.

Access here.

Upcoming Events

Virtual and In-Person

10/3, Webinar: Positive Correlations between the Patient Experience and Facility Design

10/10, Webinar: Lighing Design for Behavioral Health Environments

10/11, Nightingale Award Submissions Due

11/2-5, Healthcare Design Expo & Conference

11/2, VIP Reception at HCD Expo & Conference (invitations by email)


Classic Resources

EDAC Flashcards

When you're ready to take the EDAC exam, make sure to incorporate the new EDAC Flashcards into your study regimen to help you prepare. Free!

On-Demand Webinar: Behavioral Health Behind Closed Doors

This webinar explores how MedStar Health is using fast-track design to help catalyze a new model of behavioral health, using the reduction of barriers, small house concepts and interior design strategies to create positive environments where patients are positively impacted.

Industry News Briefs

Congratulations to 2019 International CODAaward Recipients

The Center for Health Design is proud to partner with CODAworx for the prestigious CODAawards celebrating design projects that most successfully integrate commissioned art into interior, architectural, or public spaces.

The CODAawards program honors the individuals and the teams whose collective imaginations create the public and private spaces that inspire us every day. 


Patient Expectations Are Refining Healthcare Facilities

U.S. patients have begun expecting more from both their healthcare providers and their healthcare facilities. In response, hospitals are building new facilities for better patient outcomes, convenient services and a superior patient experience. “Today’s hospitals are aiming to provide a more consumer-driven experience,” Turner Construction Co. Vice President of Healthcare Randy Keiser said. “Healthcare systems are investing in facilities that translate to more options and better service.”


If Healthcare Owners Made Efforts To Go Green, Health Care Costs Would Go Down

Here’s another reason why health care costs so much—massive amounts of waste and energy use. An example: Flu season is coming up and health care workers are required to get a flu shot, generally by colleagues using single-use gloves. A medical facility with 30,000 employees that requires everyone to be vaccinated using gloves would release over three metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions if landfilled, and six metric tons if incinerated. (Each pair of gloves weighs 33 grams, totaling nearly one metric ton of gloves).


Healthcare Provider Waiting Areas Need to Convey Top Notch Facility

Numerous research studies have demonstrated the clear link between patient satisfaction and their perception of the quality of care. Given that, it’s little wonder healthcare facilities focus so much on making the patient experience as pleasant as possible – particularly for those who are dealing with a critical illness or in need of intensive treatments.

Regardless of the size or type of facility, the patient experience typically begins in the waiting room.

Healthcare Facilities Today,


The Center for Health Design would like to thank our partner:



The Center for Health Design is a nonprofit 501c(3) organization whose mission is to transform healthcare environments for a healthier, safer world through design research, education and advocacy. Looking for ways to support our work? Contact us.




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