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Pre-Conference Workshop: Transforming Outcomes: Integrating Lean and EBD to Maximize Results

When: March 9, 2025
Time: 9:00am Eastern
Duration: 8 Hours
Where: PDC Summit, Atlanta, Georgia United States


The Center for Health Design is the Strategic Educational Collaborator and a Supporting Organization for the annual PDC Summit.

At the 2025 PDC Summit The Center will produce and present a pre-conference evidence-based design workshop and a 24-session educational track – Research, Design and Outcomes – featuring recent work from The Center’s research team; Aging, Behavioral Health, Pediatric and Built Environment Networks; the HERD Journal, AAHID and other familiar and new healthcare design industry leaders.

You’ll find these sessions here on the PDC Summit website – click on the Category drop-down menu and select The Center for Health Design Sessions.


This interactive workshop will illustrate how the design and implementation process can be informed, complemented, and enhanced by an Evidence-Based Design (EBD) process that uses research findings, data collection, and evaluation of results + a Lean methodology for problem solving and continuous improvement. 

EBD is the process of basing decisions about the built environment using credible research to achieve the best outcomes. Lean is a methodology that focuses on defining and maximizing value, eliminating waste, and continuous improvement.

To address today’s challenges, they need to go hand-in-hand. By integrating these value-based approaches during the planning, design, construction, and occupancy of a project, you can maximize project outcomes while improving performance. 

For the first half of the day, attendees will focus on how to apply research, including: 

  • “Feeding the loop”,
  • Establishing a diverse interdisciplinary team to ideate and collaborate,
  • Developing a research topic,
  • Leveraging Lean methods (“go-to Gemba”) including root cause analysis and prioritization, and 
  • Finding and applying relevant and valid research

For the second half of the day, attendees will learn how to conduct evaluation/research, including:

  • “Closing the loop”,
  • Testing, interpreting and evaluating results,
  • Leveraging Lean methods (including A3 problem-solving, paper dolls and set-based design),
  • Conducting a post-occupancy evaluation (POE) or design research, and 
  • Analyzing project metrics to identify its financial and quality benefits.

At the end of the day, attendees will leave with resources that can be used to apply LEAN and the EBD process into your next project.


Exclusive Offer for All Affiliate Members

All Center Affiliate members receive exclusive, discounted ASHE member pricing. Contact us for discount code and more information.


Learning Objectives

  • Explore the added value of integrating an Evidence-Based Design (EBD) process and Lean methods to optimize health outcomes.
  • Identify opportunities to incorporate both Lean and EBD during the various stages of design, construction, and post-occupancy.
  • Gain an understanding of how to build a business case, link design to health outcomes, and measure and evaluate results.
  • Review examples that illustrate how organizations have successfully integrated these processes to enhance the health, safety and welfare of the users and staff.


Presenting Faculty


Donna Deckard, BSN, MPA, EDAC

Director of Strategic Projects,
The Center for Health Design



Terri Zborowsky, PhD, RN, EDAC, CPXP

Design Researcher,




Andrea Sponsel, RID, EDAC, LSSBB, LEED AP

Process Improvement Strategies Leader, Vice President,




Jeff O'Neill AIA, ACHA, CHFM

Vice President of Plant Operations
RWJ Barnabas RWJ University Hospital