Dr. Gurses is the founding Director of the Center for Health Care Human Factors in the Johns Hopkins Medicine. She has joint appointments in the Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Whiting School of Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University. Ayse is passionate about three critical and related public health topics: patient safety, health IT design and implementation, and occupational health and safety of healthcare workers. Formally trained in industrial and systems engineering and public health, she uses a combination of engineering and public health methodologies in her work. Ayse has been a principal or co-principal investigator on several federally funded research grants and contracts, totaling over $7M. Her current research efforts focus on improving patient-centered care and medication safety among elderly, health information technology design and implementation, improving coordination and teamwork in pediatric trauma, patient safety in the cardiac operating room, improving safety of transitions of care, increasing compliance with evidence-based guidelines to reduce infections, and clinician working conditions.
Ayse is the author of more than 55 peer-reviewed articles and 10 book chapters, and gave over 70 invited talks. She serves as the Scientific Editor of Applied Ergonomics, a top-level journal in the field of human factors engineering. She is also the Editor for the Sociotechnical Systems Analysis Department of the IIE Transactions in Healthcare Systems Engineering.
Ayse is the recipient of multiple awards including the Liberty Mutual Award for the Best Paper in the journal ‘Ergonomics,’ the International Ergonomics Association/ Liberty Mutual Best Paper Award in Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Forward under 40 award. Nominated by the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Ayse is also a recipient of an Early Career Impact Award from the Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (FABBS).