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David Sine, DrBE, ARM, CSP, CPHRM

Ethics Fellow
American Medical Association

David earned a bachelor’s degree in design from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago while studying at the University of Chicago and a Master’s degree in Health Policy and a Doctorate in Biomedical Ethics from the Stritch School of Medicine at Loyola University. He has been the Senior Staff Engineer for The Joint Commission, a Senior Consultant for the AHA, and Vice Chair of the board of Brackenridge Hospital in Austin, Texas and a board member of the American Society of Hospital Risk Managers (ASHRM). He has extensive leadership experience in military, private, and acute care settings as well as experience in both academic and organizational settings and serves as a member of the NFPA Life Safety Code Subcommittee on Health Care Occupancies, the JCAHO Committee on Healthcare Safety, and acts as a risk management and clinical ethics advisor to the National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems (NAPHS).  Well known as co-editor of the Design Guide for Behavior Health Facilities, David writes and speaks frequently on the intersection of ethics, safety, and risk management and his most recent book on using aviation safety techniques on a nursing unit, Soaring to Success, was released in 2011.