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Ella S. Franklin, RN, CRC, EDAC

Director, Infection Prevention Research and Innovation
MedStar Institute for Innovation (MI2)

As Nursing Research Program Director for the NCHFH, a division of the MedStar Institute for Innovation (MI2), Ella facilitates research collaboratives across MedStar and with external partners to create new knowledge that advances health. Ella’s research expertise is in the application of design and technology solutions to enhance patient, family and staff safety and to reduce healthcare-associated infections. Prior to her current position, Ms. Franklin served as the director of research for the ER One Center for Building Science division of MI2. She was also the project manager for the Bridge to ER One, a prototype building project for new technologies and innovative design concepts in emergency medicine at MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Through the lens of an infection preventionist, she studies the role of the built environment in the transmission or prevention of nosocomial infections.

Joining MedStar Health in 2002, Ms. Franklin brings a wealth of nursing leadership experience after 20 years in clinical nursing practice. She has contributed to numerous public health initiatives including the Metropolitan Washington Council of Government’s Regional Pandemic Illness Planning Committee and the District of Columbia’s healthcare worker smallpox vaccination response and internationally, as an infection prevention consultant during epidemics.