HDR Architecture
Firm's role on the project: Integrate the latest research findings, EMR technologies, evidence-based design strategies and Lean operational efficiencies into the patient tower design.
EBD Goal
Three units were analyzed including Critical Care, Medical Oncology and Obstetrics. The care delivery time results were then compared against “Time Study RN” benchmarking data and were stratified into value-added, value-enabling, and non-value-added time categories. Travel densities were also vetted indicating over 49% of nursing travel was spent between patient room and nurse station or document server. This provided clear direction for designers that decentralized workstations could decrease travel distances for clinicians. Layout optimization was then used to map processes in the new design layout. Travel distances were calculated and new workflow processes were identified. The travel study indicated for all units measured, that the time spent on value added care, the time spent on direct care, and the aisle effectiveness all increased from current to future state workflow and generally outperformed the national benchmarks for their corresponding unit types.
Additionally, HDR conducted a post-occupancy evaluation, (POE), one year after occupancy. User focus groups were held to gather feedback from the staff on how well the design of the building supports their work processes. A survey was also distributed to supplement the findings of the focus groups. The POE revealed that overall the staff is very satisfied with the design of the new facility. The surveys also revealed areas in communication and technology that were not functioning properly and have since been addressed.