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Insights & Solutions

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how innovative design can be achieved at the same or similar cost, how design can result in a well-regarded community landmark, and how community-based care improves patient use and compliance with regimens.

Project Brief
October 2016 Project Brief

Learn about: how to smoothly incorporate the latest design approaches into hospital operations, hospital design and sustainability features that can improve community health beyond campus borders, and how a facility can accommodate more patients in less space.

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January 2015 Webinar

In 2014, Dodge Data and Analytics (DD&A) conducted a wide-reaching study of the perception of building impacts on health among design and construction industry professionals in the commercial, institutional and residential sectors, medical professionals, human resources executives and owners. This webinar presents the findings of this study. The presentation incorporates findings from other DD&A studies on the importance of collaboration, which can be a critical factor for preserving both green and healthy building priorities by addressing uncertainties that can have negative impacts on project cost, schedule and quality. 

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April 2013 Webinar

Twelve sponsoring health systems, representing 500 hospitals and 30 billion in purchasing, have kicked off the Healthier Hospitals Initiative, a free, three-year initiative, where enrollees can build upon their proven environmental improvement strategies for cost savings and measured environmental improvements.  Learn about the Healthier Hospitals Initiative and be part of a growing movement of facilities and organizations that are working together create healthier environments and lead communities to a healthier future.