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Insights & Solutions

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May 2018 Webinar

In this webinar, you will learn about an innovative clinic design and care-delivery model, as well as the real-time locating system (RTLS) technology that supports it. Yet how do you design a clinic and its workflow without a waiting room, where exam rooms are always free for the next patient, where patients make their own way through the halls, and where providers and staff easily know where to go next?

January 2018 Webinar

This webinar introduces the new, easier to use, online interface for The Center’s Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) toolkit, a proactive and systematic approach to designing and renovating healthcare facilities for safety. Originally developed through research and consensus to support the requirements of the FGI Guidelines, The Center's research team will walk you through the why, what, and how of each part of the online SRA toolkit illustrating features with vignettes gathered from the testing process.  

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March 2013 Webinar

In this webinar learn about the role of the FGI Guidelines in project design and development – What they are; who uses them; and why they are an important as a reference in project reviews, learn about the proposed change to the 2014 Guidelines – How your work will be affected and where to find the research/evidence to support “Access to Nature” in your next project, obtain an understanding of the “Environment of Care” concept – Its basis, components, and use in overall project design, and identify the Advocacy role of the Environmental Standards Council, how it supports the work of the Center for Health Design, and how you can participate.