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Insights & Solutions

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January 2019 Webinar

This webinar will explore how in today’s healthcare market, designers enhance brand recognition in addition to designing physical space. The Mother Baby Center – a partnership between Allina Health and Children’s Minnesota – was one of the first facilities in the country to use art and architecture to assist in creating a complete brand that would carry through all three locations, while maintaining a unique identity of each. 

June 2018 Webinar

This webinar explores how the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia pursued a vision to develop a new pediatric patient care unit: one that would meet the requirements and licensure of an acute care unit, but would provide a safe and supportive environment for patients with a comorbid developmental, behavioral, or psychiatric diagnosis. 

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March 2018 Webinar

This webinar will discuss various environmental challenges including fall risk, infection control, wayfinding, spatial relationships, access to the outdoors, lighting, incontinence and wandering. Imagine if your challenges in creating person-centered environments were removed. Using evidence-based design principles to support your decisions as part of the planning and programming process is a practical way of supporting residents in existing and new settings.  

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February 2018 Webinar

This webinar will offer an overview in the latest thinking about lighting and its impact. Since there have been so many presentations, magazine articles, and research studies on the circadian (24-hour body clock) side of Human Centric Lighting (HCL), the presenter will briefly touch upon these concepts to set context. More importantly, this this program will focus on the non-circadian side of lighting, which almost nobody in the lighting industry communicates about and, in many applications, is more important than circadian. 

February 2018 Interview

Learn about how the design of a new psychiatric facility strives to normalize mental illness through carefully chosen materials with the goal of creating a “homey,” non-institutional setting, why private patient rooms will be included in the new final building as an important part of the design concept, and how research helped shape the architects’ beliefs that the built environment should support patients’ dignity and independence as part of the recovery process.

February 2018 Interview

Inside you will learn about: why behavioral health facilities have very different design requirements than general hospitals; how different areas of a behavioral health unit have different safety needs that influence design choices; and which types of safety measures and products should be incorporated into behavioral health units.

EBD Journal Club
July 2017 EBD Journal Club

Hadi, K., DuBose, J. R., & Ryherd, E. (2016). Lighting and Nurses at Medical–Surgical Units: Impact of Lighting Conditions on Nurses’ Performance and Satisfaction. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(3), 17-30.

April 2017 Interview

Learn about: the importance of using durable products and finishes in senior living environments, the key to designing a functional and effective senior living environment, and how manufacturers, designers, and industry leaders collaborate to improve the lives of the aging population.

Lessons Learned
April 2017 Lessons Learned

The following are compiled from research literature, case studies, interviews, and other materials to provide an overview on the topic of aging populations.  

Project Brief
March 2017 Project Brief

Learn about: how innovative design can be achieved at the same or similar cost, how design can result in a well-regarded community landmark, and how community-based care improves patient use and compliance with regimens.