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Health Care Wayfinding Integrates Four Aspects to Become Carefinding

Originally Published:
Key Point Summary|ASHE Produced
Key Concepts/Context

Carefinding is a term that refers to an evidence-based approach to designing wayfinding systems in healthcare settings, catering to the needs of the users of those spaces, particularly patients and their caregivers. Successful wayfinding in healthcare facilities requires consideration of the user experience, the wayfinding process, the wayfinding plan, and implementation of the plan. The author makes suggestions about methods to collect information about the user experience in a facility, important elements in the process of developing a wayfinding plan, steps to evaluate and improve upon a wayfinding program, and the need for communication and training during implementation of the plan, which may occur in phases. Taking these steps to develop a supportive wayfinding system is described as crucial for improving the patient and visitor experience.


The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview of four main aspects of wayfinding in healthcare settings that must be taken into account to allow for successful communication and navigation in those facilities. 



The main design considerations discussed in the paper relate to signage and graphics, but there is also mention of other built and natural environmental elements that are not described in much detail. The author notes that it is important to understand that successful wayfinding is about much more than signage, and requires a mix of tools, both organizational and environmental. The author focuses largely on process and organizational concerns for planning and implementing a wayfinding strategy and does not provide in-depth information about environmental elements outside of signage. In relation to signage, recommendations include using universal symbols and multiple languages to get a message across to a diverse set of users, as well as a mix of media, from digital technology to printed materials and other environmental elements such as keystones/landmarks.

Design Category
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FF&E)
Outcome Category
Patient / resident health outcomes|Patient / resident satisfaction and comfort
Primary Author
Cooper, R.