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Displaying 161 - 180 of 482

Finding privacy from a public death: A qualitative exploration of how a dedicated space for end-of-life care in an acute hospital impacts on dying patients and their families

Author(s): Slatyer, S., Pienaar, C., Williams, A. M., Proctor, K., Hewitt, L.
Seriously ill patients die in hospitals around the world, and previous studies have shown that the factors that constitute a “good death” from the perspective of patients include control, comfort, family inclusion, sensitive communication, and peace. The quality of care provided to dying patients affects not only the patients, but bereaved families as well. It is therefore important for hospital environments to carefully consider the resources they provide towards quality end-of-life care.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2015

Centralized to hybrid nurse station: Communication and teamwork among nursing staff

Author(s): Zhang, Y., Soroken, L., Laccetti, M., Castillero, E. R. d., Konadu, A.
Nursing stations often act as the primary workspaces for various members of a healthcare team while patients aren’t being directly worked with. Centralized nursing stations can lead to higher rates of telephone and computer use and administrative tasks while decreasing time spent caring for patients. Conversely, decentralized nursing stations have been found to create feelings of isolation and poor communication among staff. To emphasize the positive aspects of both formats, the authors propose a hybrid nursing station design that features decentralized stations connected to centralized meeting spaces.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2015

Exploring Direct and Indirect Influences of Physical Work Environment on Job Satisfaction for Early-Career Registered Nurses Employed in Hospitals

Author(s): Djukic, M., Kovner, C. T., Brewer, C. S., Fatehi, F., Greene, W. H.
We explored direct and indirect influences of physical work environment on job satisfaction in a nationally representative sample of 1,141 early-career registered nurses. In the fully specified model, physical work environment had a non-significant direct effect on job satisfaction. The path analysis used to test multiple indirect effects showed that physical work environment had a positive...
Key Point Summary
Added October 2015

The role of noise in clinical environments with particular reference to mental health care: A narrative review

Author(s): Brown, B., Rutherford, P., Crawford, P.
The problem of noise in healthcare environments has been discussed in a variety of contexts, including psychology, sociology, built environment studies, and nursing. It has been well documented that the element of noise within clinical settings can elevate stress, impede recovery, and disturb sleep. But despite the extensive literature discussing the effects of noise in clinical settings, scarcely any research has been done on the role noise plays in mental healthcare environments.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2015

Noise Levels in Patient Rooms and at Nursing Stations at Three VA Medical Centers

Author(s): Hill, J. N., LaVela, S. L.
Added September 2015

Acoustical Design Features Associated With Noise Level In Health Facilities: The Case Of Dialysis Facilities

Author(s): Bame, S. I., Wells, W.
Added September 2015

Impact of NICU design on environmental noise

Author(s): Szymczak, S. E., Shellhaas, R. A.
Literature shows that preterm infants can be adversely affected by sounds in a hospital. Yet completely quiet environments may potentially limit a much-needed exposure to language. This presents a challenge to designing an optimal sound environment in NICUs. This study examined the acoustic variance in open bay and single room NICUs and found that there was little variability in the acoustic environment of the two NICU models. It also found that the single room NICU had longer periods of silence than the open bay NICU.
Key Point Summary
Added July 2015

The Influence of Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Design on Sound Level

Author(s): Chen, H.-L., Chen, C.-H., Wu, C.-C., Huang, H.-J., Wang, T.-M., Hsu, C.-C.
Preterm infants receiving care in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) are especially susceptible to adverse effects caused by excessive noise. Previous studies indicate that the physical designs of NICUs themselves hold a large influence over the overall noise level.
Key Point Summary
Added July 2015

Impact of the Design of Neonatal Intensive Care Units on Neonates, Staff, and Families: A Systematic Literature Review

Author(s): Shahheidari, M., Homer, C.
The authors indicate that the design of NICUs incorporating single family rooms as evidence indicates this room type contributes to the better development of babies, facilitates increased parental involvement in care, controls infection, and reduces noise and length of stay.
Key Point Summary
Added July 2015

Part 2: Evaluation and Outcomes of an Evidence-Based Facility Design Project

Author(s): Krugman, M., Sanders, C., Kinney, L. J.
After a western academic hospital implemented the recommendations of an interdisciplinary team that combined the principles of Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB) and Evidence-Based Design (EBD), an evaluation was necessary. This article (Part 2) presents the evaluation of the project.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2015

The effect of changes in servicescape and service quality perceptions in a maternity unit

Author(s): Holder, M., Berndt, A.
Quality of service in healthcare is pertinent to patient experience and satisfaction, and can impact customer (patient) loyalty, cost savings, profits and market share of the healthcare facility. The authors indicate that the servicescape, or the physical environment of a facility, has an impact on a patient’s perception of the quality of service.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2015

Evidence-based design in an intensive care unit: End-user perceptions

Author(s): Ferri, M., Zygun, D. A., Harrison, A., Stelfox, H. T.
Authors consider evidence-based design (EBD) to be particularly relevant in the case of intensive care units (ICUs) given the high acuity of the patients and the multidisciplinary model of care. This qualitative study describes the experiences of end-users of an ICU designed using EBD principles in Calgary, Canada.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2015

A companionship between strangers – the hospital environment as a challenge in patient–patient interaction in oncology wards

Author(s): Larsen, L. S., Larsen, B. H., Birkelund, R.
The authors allude to existing literature indicating the healing and therapeutic effect of hospital environments and the increasing evidence between healthcare environments and patient outcomes. In this study the authors explore through observations and interviews of patients how the hospital environment impacts the interaction between hospitalized cancer patients.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2015

Healing environments in cancer treatment and care. Relations of space and practice in hematological cancer treatment

Author(s): Høybye, M. T.
The author refers to the growing contribution of design in shaping hospitals that are environments of healing. This study aims to widen the understanding of these healing environments in the context of its social dynamics. The research involved an ethnographic study of patients undergoing treatment for hematological cancer in a hospital in Denmark.
Key Point Summary
Added May 2015

Fable Hospital 2.0: The Business Case for Building Better Health Care Facilities

Author(s): Sadler, B. L., Berry, L., Guenther, R., Hamilton, D. K., Hessler, F., Merritt, C., Parker, D.
The Fable Hospital, an imaginary facility with the best design innovations, was proposed in 2004, and the authors indicate that many healthcare systems have consequently adapted the principles in the building of their hospitals.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2015

Part 1: Evidence-Based Facility Design Using Transforming Care at the Bedside Principles

Author(s): Devine, D. A., Wenger, B., Krugman, M., Zwink, J. E., Shiskowsky, K., Hagman, J., Limon, S., Sanders, C., Reeves, C.
A western academic hospital reexamined its design strategy when after three years of building a new facility they had to plan for a new facility to meet their patient capacity. Using a combination of the principles of Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB) and Evidence-Based Design (EBD), an interdisciplinary team presented design recommendations.
Key Point Summary
Added April 2015

Ambient light levels and critical care outcomes

Author(s): Verceles, A. C., Liu, X., Terrin, M. L., Scharf, S. M., Shanholtz, C., Harris, A., Ayanleye, B, Parker, A., Netzer, G.
Several U.S. healthcare agencies endorse a guideline that requires the construction of windows in patient care rooms so that naturally regulated sunlight can contribute to interior ambient lighting. This recommendation has been adopted by agencies in 46 U.S. states. Few studies have analyzed the association between light levels and intensive care unit (ICU) outcomes. No previous studies have quantitatively measured light levels or assessed intermediate factors such as analgesic use.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

Healing environment: A review of the impact of physical environmental factors on users

Author(s): Huisman, E. R. C. M., Morales, E., van Hoof, J., Kort, H. S. M.
According to the authors, research that examines the physical environment and its impact on the healing and well-being of human beings has been growing in the last several years. There is increasing availability of literature on evidence-based design.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

Realizing improved patient care through human-centered operating room design: A human factors methodology for observing flow disruptions in the cardiothoracic operating room

Author(s): Palmer, G., Abernathy, J. H., Swinton, G., Allison, D., Greenstein, J., Shappell, S., Juang, K., Reeves, S. T.
The authors indicate that disruptions in the workflow of surgeries can extend surgery times and contribute to the escalation of healthcare costs.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

Using human factors engineering to improve patient safety in the cardiovascular operating room

Author(s): Gurses, A. P., Martinez, E. A., Bauer, L., Kim, G., Lubomski, L. H., Marsteller, J. A., Pennathur, P. R., Goeschel, C., Pronovost, P. J., Thompson, D.
Cardiac surgery, despite technological and medical advances, involves high risks related to adverse events and medical errors that occur in the operating room. The Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model was used to guide the research – focusing on the different variables (providers, physical environment, tools and technologies, tasks, organization) in the care environment and the impact of their interaction on patient outcomes.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015