Water Efficiency and Management for Hospitals
MWRA online
Electronic Article
Author(s): Unknown
Added October 2012
Water Use Case Study: Norwood Hospital
Massachusetts Water Resource Authority online
Electronic Article
Author(s): Unknown
Added October 2012
Large Outbreak in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit of Colonization or Infection with Pseudomonas...
Clinical Infectious Diseases
Issue 4
Volume 31
Pages e9
Author(s): Bertrand, X., Bailly, P., Blasco, G., Balvay, P., Boillot, A., Talon, D.
Added October 2012
Implications of an adjustable bed height during standard nursing tasks on spinal motion, perceived exertion and muscular activity.
Issue 10
Volume 43
Pages 1771-1780
Author(s): Caboor, D.E., Verlinden, M.O., Zinzen, E., Van Roy, P., Van Riel, M.P., Clarys, J.P.
Added October 2012
Job strain and musculoskeletal disorders of Italian nurses.
Occupational Ergonomics
Issue 4
Volume 2
Pages 215
Author(s): Camerino, D., Cesana, G.C., Molteni, G., Vito, G.D., Evaristi, C., Latocca, R.
Added October 2012
Ergonomic principles in the design of healthcare environments
Herman Miller for Healthcare
Author(s): Eichner, J.
Added October 2012
Universal symbols in healthcare workbook
Author(s): Hablamos Juntas
Added October 2012
Investigating the syntax line: configurational properties and cognitive correlates.
Environment & Planning B: Planning & Design
Issue 6
Volume 30
Pages 841-863
Author(s): Haq, S.
Added October 2012
To err is human: Building a safer health system
Author(s): Kohn, L.T., Corrigan, J.M., Donaldson, M.S.
Added October 2012
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Fall Prevention Strategies in Old Peoples™ Homes.
Issue 2
Volume 46
Pages 83-87
Author(s): McMurdo, M.E.T., Millar, A.M., Daly, F.
Added October 2012
Interventions to reduce decibel levels on patient care units
The American Surgeon
Issue 9
Volume 64
Pages 894-899
Author(s): Moore, M.M., Nguyen, D, Nolan, S.P., Robinson, S.P., Ryals,B., Imbrie, J.Z., Sotnitz, W.
Added October 2012
National satisfaction data for 2003 comparing patients with versus without a roommate
Author(s): Press Ganey Inc.
Added October 2012
National satisfaction data for 2006 assessing satisfaction with noise levels in and around room
Author(s): Press Ganey Inc.
Added October 2012
A Multiple Case Study of Wayfinding in Dementia of the Alzheimer Type: Decision Making.
Aging, Neuropsychology, & Cognition
Journal Article
Issue 1
Volume 8
Pages 54
Author(s): Rainville, C., Passini, R., Marchand, N.
Added October 2012
How Do You Get There from Here? Mental Representations of Route Descriptions.
Applied Cognitive Psychology
Issue 5
Volume 13
Pages 415-441
Author(s): Schneider, L.F., Taylor, H.A.
Added October 2012
The Evaluation of an Environmental Remodeling Program on a Psychiatric Geriatric Ward
Journal of Social Psychology
Issue 1
Volume 123
Pages 101
Author(s): Stahler, G.J., Frazer, D., Rappaport, H.
Added October 2012
Evidence-Based Design in Healthcare: A Theoretical Dilemma
Interdisciplinary Design and Research e-Journal
Author(s): Stankos, M., Schwarz, B.
Added October 2012
The world health report 2000-health systems: improving performance
World Health Organization
Author(s): WHO
Added October 2012
The guideline for isolation precautions: preventing transmission of infectious agents in healthcare settings, 2007
Author(s): Siegel, J.D., Rhinehart, E., Jackson, M., Chiarello, L., Committee, H.I.C.P.A.
Added October 2012
Statistical Abstract: Population
Statistical Abstract. The National Data Book
Government Document
Author(s): U.S. Census Bureau
Added October 2012