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Knowledge Repository

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The Knowledge Repository is a complete, user-friendly database of healthcare design research references that continues to grow with the latest peer-reviewed publications. Start with our Knowledge Repository for all of your searches for articles and research citations on healthcare design topics. Access full texts through the source link, read key point summaries, or watch slidecasts. Expand your search and find project briefs, interviews, and other relevant resources by visiting our Insights & Solutions page.


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Displaying 141 - 160 of 6442

Water Efficiency and Management for Hospitals

Author(s): Unknown
Added October 2012

Water Use Case Study: Norwood Hospital

Author(s): Unknown
Added October 2012

Large Outbreak in a Surgical Intensive Care Unit of Colonization or Infection with Pseudomonas...

Author(s): Bertrand, X., Bailly, P., Blasco, G., Balvay, P., Boillot, A., Talon, D.
Added October 2012

Implications of an adjustable bed height during standard nursing tasks on spinal motion, perceived exertion and muscular activity.

Author(s): Caboor, D.E., Verlinden, M.O., Zinzen, E., Van Roy, P., Van Riel, M.P., Clarys, J.P.
Added October 2012

Job strain and musculoskeletal disorders of Italian nurses.

Author(s): Camerino, D., Cesana, G.C., Molteni, G., Vito, G.D., Evaristi, C., Latocca, R.
Added October 2012

Ergonomic principles in the design of healthcare environments

Author(s): Eichner, J.
Added October 2012

Universal symbols in healthcare workbook

Author(s): Hablamos Juntas
Added October 2012

Investigating the syntax line: configurational properties and cognitive correlates.

Author(s): Haq, S.
Added October 2012

To err is human: Building a safer health system

Author(s): Kohn, L.T., Corrigan, J.M., Donaldson, M.S.
Added October 2012

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Fall Prevention Strategies in Old Peoples™ Homes.

Author(s): McMurdo, M.E.T., Millar, A.M., Daly, F.
Added October 2012

Interventions to reduce decibel levels on patient care units

Author(s): Moore, M.M., Nguyen, D, Nolan, S.P., Robinson, S.P., Ryals,B., Imbrie, J.Z., Sotnitz, W.
Added October 2012

National satisfaction data for 2003 comparing patients with versus without a roommate

Author(s): Press Ganey Inc.
Added October 2012

National satisfaction data for 2006 assessing satisfaction with noise levels in and around room

Author(s): Press Ganey Inc.
Added October 2012

A Multiple Case Study of Wayfinding in Dementia of the Alzheimer Type: Decision Making.

Author(s): Rainville, C., Passini, R., Marchand, N.
Added October 2012

How Do You Get There from Here? Mental Representations of Route Descriptions.

Author(s): Schneider, L.F., Taylor, H.A.
Added October 2012

The Evaluation of an Environmental Remodeling Program on a Psychiatric Geriatric Ward

Author(s): Stahler, G.J., Frazer, D., Rappaport, H.
Added October 2012

Evidence-Based Design in Healthcare: A Theoretical Dilemma

Author(s): Stankos, M., Schwarz, B.
Added October 2012

The world health report 2000-health systems: improving performance

Author(s): WHO
Added October 2012

The guideline for isolation precautions: preventing transmission of infectious agents in healthcare settings, 2007

Author(s): Siegel, J.D., Rhinehart, E., Jackson, M., Chiarello, L., Committee, H.I.C.P.A.
Added October 2012

Statistical Abstract: Population

Author(s): U.S. Census Bureau
Added October 2012