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Knowledge Repository

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Displaying 141 - 160 of 482

Beeper technology: improving staff efficiency and decreasing noise levels on medical-surgical units

Author(s): Scott, R.A.
Added October 2012

Noise pollution: a study of noise levels in the operation theatres of a general hospital during various surgical procedures

Author(s): Shankar, N., Malhotra, K.L., Ahuja, S., Tandon, O.P.
Added October 2012

Noise in the operating room

Author(s): Shapiro, R.A., Berland, T.
Added October 2012

Children's environments and health-related quality of life: evidence informing pediatric healthcare environmental design

Author(s): Sherman, S., Shepley, M., Varni, J.
Added October 2012

Music and the PACU environment

Author(s): Shertzer, K.E., Keck, J.F.
Added October 2012

Relationships among sleep dimensions and factors that impair sleep after cardiac surgery

Author(s): Simpson, T., Lee, E.R., Cameron, C.
Added October 2012

Noise levels in the operation theatre environment

Author(s): Singh, S.A.
Added October 2012

Altering the NICU and measuring infants' responses

Author(s): Slevin, M., Farrington, N., Duffy, G., Daly, L., Murphy, J.F.
Added October 2012

The effect of critical care unit noise on patient sleep cycles

Author(s): Snyder-Halpern, R.
Added October 2012

Audibility of patient clinical alarms to hospital nursing personnel

Author(s): Sobieraj, J., Ortega, C., West, I., Voepel, L., Battle, S., Robinson, D.
Added October 2012

Does hospital noise disturb patients?

Author(s): Soutar, R.L., Wilson, J.A.
Added October 2012

The influence of white noise on sleep in subjects exposed to ICU noise

Author(s): Stanchina, M.L., Abu-Hijleh, M., Chaudhry, B.K., Carlisle, C.C., Millman, R.P.
Added October 2012

Implementation of a quiet hour: Effect on noise levels and infant sleep states

Author(s): Strauch, C., Brandt, S., Edwards-Beckett, J.
Added October 2012

Noise levels within the ear and post-nasal space in neonates in intensive care

Author(s): Surenthiran, S.S., Wilbraham, K., May, J., Chant, T., Emmerson, A.J., Newton, V.E.
Added October 2012

Project Noise Buster in the NICU: How one facility lowered noise levels when caring for preterm infants.

Author(s): Thear, G., Wittmann-Price, R.A.
Added October 2012

Smart hydronics for the elevator future

Author(s): Thoeny, C.E.
Added October 2012

Specially selected music in the cardiac laboratory-an important tool for improvement of the wellbeing of patients

Author(s): Thorgaard, B., Henriksen, B.B.n., Pedersbaek, G., Thomsen, I.
Added October 2012

Noise in the ED

Author(s): Tijunelis, M.A., Fitzsullivan, E., Henderson, S.O.
Added October 2012

The effects of music therapy on vital signs and pulsatile oxygen saturation of pediatric intensive care unit children

Author(s): Too, C., Song, K.
Added October 2012

Noise pollution in the hospital

Author(s): Topf, M.
Added October 2012