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Knowledge Repository

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The Knowledge Repository is a complete, user-friendly database of healthcare design research references that continues to grow with the latest peer-reviewed publications. Start with our Knowledge Repository for all of your searches for articles and research citations on healthcare design topics. Access full texts through the source link, read key point summaries, or watch slidecasts. Expand your search and find project briefs, interviews, and other relevant resources by visiting our Insights & Solutions page.


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Displaying 1 - 20 of 6454

Natural Ventilation in Buildings Case Studies and Design Guide

Author(s): Henriksen, A.
Added October 2012

Residential Healthcare Facilities 2014 Guidelines Revision Project: Wellness

Added October 2012

Residential Healthcare Facilities 2014 Guidelines Revision Project: Resident Operated Mobility Devices

Added October 2012

Residential Healthcare Facilities 2014 Guidelines Revision Project: Issue Briefs

Added October 2012

Residential Healthcare Facilities 2014 Guidelines Revision Project: Household and Small House

Added October 2012

Residential Healthcare Facilities 2014 Guidelines Revision Project: Culture Change

Added October 2012

Residential Healthcare Facilities 2014 Guidelines Revision Project: Access to Nature

Added October 2012

Consumer Perceptions of the Healthcare Environment: An Investigation to Determine What Matters

Author(s): The Picker Institute
Added October 2012

Critical Issues in Healthcare Environments

Author(s): Cohen, Uriel , Allison, David
Added October 2012

Resident Safety Risk Assessment

Added October 2012

Your ticket to patient safety repair faulty systems

Author(s): Spath, P.L.
Added October 2012

Wayfinding: design for understanding

Author(s): Huelat, B.J.
Added October 2012

Creating Safe and Healthy Spaces: Selecting Materials that Support Healing

Author(s): Rossi, M. , Lent, T.
Added October 2012

Designing a 21st Century Hospital: Environmental Leadership for Healthier Patients and Famillies

Author(s): Atwood, C. , Levin, D., Vittori, G. , Cohen, G., Harvie, J. , Brannen, L. , Rossi, M. , Guenther, R. , Schettler, T, Lent, T.
Added October 2012

National Center for Patient Safety - Root Cause Analysis Tools. Patient Safety

Author(s): US Department of Veterans Affairs
Added October 2012

Effect of Environmental Design on Reducing Nursing and Medication Errors in Acute Care Settings

Author(s): Mahmood, A. , Habib, C.
Added October 2012

Eliminating Hospital Acquired Infections: Is It Possible? Is It Sustainable? Is It Worth It?

Author(s): Shannon, R.P.
Added October 2012

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).

Author(s): Hammett, P.
Added October 2012

Improving the Quality of Care in Hospitals to Reduce Hospital Acquired Infections

Author(s): Koll, B.
Added October 2012

Values-Driven Design and Construction: Enriching Community Benefits through Green Hospitals

Author(s): Guenther, R., Vittori, G., Atwood, C.
Added October 2012