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Behavioral & Mental Health

Insights & Solutions

September 2018 Blog
Behavioral Health-Strategic Facility Design Innovations that Improve Treatment Outcomes, Safety and the Bottom Line


June 2018 Webinar

This webinar explores how the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia pursued a vision to develop a new pediatric patient care unit: one that would meet the requirements and licensure of an acute care unit, but would provide a safe and supportive environment for patients with a comorbid developmental, behavioral, or psychiatric diagnosis. 

April 2018 Webinar

In this webinar learn how a design team utilized research, Lean processes, and innovation to solve the challenges of this unique patient population for the 27-bed Adolescent Behavioral Health Unit in Tacoma, Wash. Find out how design can support a seclusion- and restraint-free care model and how pushing beyond the conventions of behavioral healthcare design was achieved.

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