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Back in Baltimore

Do you remember where you were on April 6, 2020?

Our team was on a call making the hard decision to cancel our May 2020 Behavioral Health Design Workshop in Los Angeles. When it became clear that a couple weeks COVID shut-down was going to go on for who-knew-how-long, we cancelled our flights, hotels and catering, notified our disappointed attendees, and quickly and miraculously pivoted to producing our first virtual workshop event.

Now, two and a half years and ten virtual workshops later, I couldn’t be more excited (Zoom fatigue aside) to say… we’re baaaaaaack!

Our Fall 2022 Behavioral Health Design Workshop is being held on September 20 in Baltimore. And to celebrate the return to our information rich, collaborative, high-return in-person format, we’ve designed a learning and community-building experience like no other.

While our virtual workshops have provided a tremendous opportunity to reach more people across the country and around the world – over 1,500+ at some of our events – they can’t replicate the experience, value, and above all, the personal connections that make our in-person workshops unmatched in our industry.

Beyond the learning delivered by a dynamic, forward-looking and expert faculty, our workshops are remarkable for the conversations over lunch that helps solve a problem, the new ideas shared over coffee, chance encounters that lead to fruitful collaborations, and any other number of one-on-one “moments” that happen when like-minded colleagues meet and spend quality time together.

Creating these in-person “moments” that produce innovation, collaboration and connection is really what The Center is all about.

The only real drawback of our in-person workshops is their limited capacity. We’ve found 100 or so is just about the maximum for ensuring a quality experience for everyone, and we’re about halfway there.

So, if you’ve attended one of our live workshops and miss the camaraderie, or logged in to a virtual workshop and want to experience the next level, September’s workshop will fill up soon.

We’ll be there, will you?

Be well,

Debra Levin, Hon. FASID, EDAC
President and CEO



Behavioral and Mental Health Workshop

September 20, 2022
Baltimore, MD
9:00 AM EDT / 6:00 AM PDT
Early Bird Savings End August 19
Affiliate Discounts up to 20% Apply

The challenges created by today’s growing mental health and substance abuse crises reach far beyond the behavioral health unit into emergency departments, outpatient clinics and throughout acute care settings.

Join this in-person workshop to hear the latest in design thinking for behavioral healthcare and health settings while sharing state-of-the-art best practices through thought leader presentations, case studies, interactive group exercises and panel discussions.

Learn more and register here.



Passion for Health Design

Ever wonder about The Center’s CEO Debra Levin? About her background and life’s path in helping create and advance The Center’s mission, vision and values?

Join Carolyn Clark Beedle, Director of Audience Development at One Workplace and host of the ONEder podcast as she explores a range of topics – personal and professional – revealing Debra’s enthusiasm and passion for design’s impact and future potential.

Listen to the podcast.


Free Tools & Resources

Design for Healthy Aging Workshop: Solutions Across the Continuum of Care

August 17-18, 2022
Two Half-Days
8:00 AM PDT / 11:00 AM EDT

CEUs Available

Creating healthy and safe living and care environments to support the needs of our aging population is possibly the greatest challenge facing the design industry today.

During this two-day workshop, faculty and attendees will explore gaps in the current system, consider the latest in design for healthy aging in various settings and gain new insights to help foster wellness and longevity.

Learn more and register.

OPEN ACCESS Safety Toolbox

Thanks to the generous support of Grainger, our Safety Toolbox is now open for free access to our entire community.

Comprised of content authored and curated by The Center's research staff, the toolbox contains a vast array of design research, resources and tools for connecting the built environment to improved safety, better health outcomes and reduced cost of care.

Visit the toolbox here.

Upcoming Events

Make Sure to Get These Events on Your Calendar

8/17 8:00 AM PDT / 11:00 AM EDT, Workshop: Design for Healthy Aging: Solutions Across the Continuum of Care

8/19 12:00 PM PDT / 3:00 PM EDT, EDAC Certified Virtual Call (must be EDAC certified to attend)

9/14 11:00 AM PDT / 2:00 PM EDT, Affiliate Member Connections Call (must be an Affiliate Member to attend)

9/16 9:00 AM PDT / 12:00 PM EDT, EDAC Exam Prep: Study Guide 1 – An Introduction to Evidence-Based Design

9/20 6:00 AM PDT / 9:00 AM EDT, Workshop: Behavioral and Mental Health: Design to Meet the Challenges of Today and Tomorrow

9/29 10:00 AM PDT / 1:00 PM EDT, Webinar: Current and Anticipated Financial Forces that Impact Healthcare Design

9/29 12:00 PM PDT / 3:00 PM EDT, Webinar: Top 10 Questions for Designers to Ask Related to Healthcare Finance

Classic Resources

EBD Journal Club: Color Coding the “Labyrinth”

Few studies to date have explored wayfinding in the Emergency Department (ED). Yet, as ED usage continues to grow, effective wayfinding in these high-stress, fast-paced environments is likely to become increasingly important.

To find a solution, a two-part wayfinding intervention was developed: colored routes to key destinations in the ED and corresponding visitor badges. Hear the presenter share their findings considering four quality criteria: visibility, usability, efficiency and overall effectiveness from staff perspectives.

View the report.

Slidecast: Sleep in Hospitalized Children and Adolescents: A Scoping Review

Kids in the hospital are at risk of poor sleep and that might result in adverse health effects. Sleep deprivation in pediatric development has been associated with poor brain development, cognitive performance, emotional regulation, depression, and obesity.

As a scoping review, the goal of this study was to systematically identify, categorize, and synthesize the literature on sleep in children and adolescents in an inpatient setting.

View the slidecast.

Industry News Briefs

Design and Designers Key to Achieving Economic Prosperity

The Design Council has published a new report demonstrating the economic value of design to the UK. A scoping study from January to June 2021 considered the key issues that Design Council should explore and proposed an inclusive research and evaluation methodology that could capture the wide-ranging value of design – moving beyond only the economic to include also the social and environmental impact.

2022 UIA Year of Design for Health

To respond to recent global health crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic and other devastating disasters, the UIA General Assembly in July 2021 declared “2022: UIA Year of Design for Health.” This commitment urges all UIA Member Sections to encourage architects and their clients to use evidence-based design to promote health in buildings and cities, and promotes “Design that protects health, design that develops Better Health, and design that restores health once it is impaired.”
UIA Architects,

Health Care Spaces to Support Maternity Care

Labor, delivery and postpartum maternity care differs from other types of health care for several reasons. Childbirth is the only instance when health care staff are responsible for two patients at the same time, and one of the rare instances when generally healthy people require significant care. However, even healthy patients can suddenly become high-risk, and childbirth morbidity and mortality remain high even among industrialized nations. Improvements require a multifaceted approach, much of which can be supported by design.
Health Facilities Management Magazine,

Seniors Prefer In-home Care, Most Unaware of Options Available

Of those aged 50 years or older, 70% would prefer in-home care, a new survey by Cross Country Workforce Solutions Group found. But while 66% of respondents said they have thought about their future healthcare needs, only 9% said they are actively looking into it and 34% said they haven’t thought about it at all.
MedCity News,

Ask about Digital Sponsor Promotion opportunities



The Center for Health Design is a nonprofit 501c(3) organization whose mission is to transform healthcare environments for a healthier, safer world through design research, education and advocacy. Learn more. For information about sponsor or partnership opportunities, contact our VP of Relationship Development, Randy Carter




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