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Compliance One Group

As a team dedicated to serving the needs of the physical environment as it relates to healthcare, education and corporate facilities, Compliance One Group assesses your needs by identifying any deficiencies or areas of non-compliance in standards, codes, and laws. With a comprehensive approach, we provide sustainable solutions to protect your patients, students, employees, systems and buildings and offer continued training, support, and thorough documentation every step of the way.

With a synergistic approach, we earn our client's trust daily. Together, we resourcefully anticipate roadblocks, mitigate risks and provide creative, sustainable actions that are safe, practical, efficient and affordable. With industry standards and laws continuously changing along with the limitations placed upon a facility, maintaining compliance is challenging. Our team of trained experts--rich in practical field experiences and industry credentials--are driven to guide your team with best practices and industry-leading solutions tailored to your needs.

Our multi-disciplined team includes former CMS, Joint Commission, and AAAHC surveyors; Life Safety Code specialists; master fire inspectors; engineers; architects; Certified Healthcare Constructors; construction managers; former teachers; security experts; public safety officers and administrators; K-9 handlers and trainers; firefighters; and emergency preparedness professionals.

Design with Compliance in Mind, Survey Readiness, Risk Assessments, Barrier Management, Emergency Preparedness, Testing, Inspection & Maintenance Documentation, Workplace Violence Training, and Active Shooter Training.