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Research Services Team

The Center's Research Services allow healthcare organizations, the design industry and product manufacturers access to vast research resources and a top-notch research team.  Covering a wide spectrum of needs from complete, customized research studies to simpler research needs, or on-call expertise, consultation and advice on how to implement research into facility design, CHD’s Research Advisory Services can be utilized for any healthcare facility planning, design and construction initiatives.

The Center's team of experienced researchers can provide accessible and affordable research expertise and support when you need it most.  From literature scans to research guidance and custom tool development, our research team will help you add crediblity to any project.

Ellen Taylor, PhD, AIA, MBA, EDAC, Vice President for Research

Ellen Taylor brings more than 30 years of experience in architecture, research, and business to leading The Center’s research team. She is a registered architect and member of the AIA who has been the recipient of the Facility Guidelines Institute with the Pioneer Award (2023) and the Healthcare Design HCD10 Award (Researcher, 2017), both awards recognizing significant contributions to the industry. A nationally and internationally recognized writer and speaker, she has led numerous grant-funded research programs and published numerous peer-reviewed papers. Ellen has a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Cornell University’s College of Architecture, Art and Planning, Global Executive MBA degrees from Columbia University and London Business School, and a PhD in design, patient safety and human factors from Loughborough University in England. She is a past president of the AIA Academy of Architecture for Health and currently serves as the Vice Chair for the FGI Health Guidelines Revisions Committee, the co-editor of the Health Environments Research & Design (HERD) Journal, and an Editorial Advisory Board member for the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC).


Addie Abushousheh, PhD, Assoc. AIA, EDAC, Research Associate

Addie Abushousheh is a gerontologist, researcher, and consultant for organizational and environmental development in long-term care. She explores cultural and bio-psycho-social perspectives, organizational structures and processes, physical environments, workforce models, and regulatory and financial frameworks in relation to decision making, resource management, and quality improvement. With combined expertise in architecture, organizational development, aging and applied research, Addie is uniquely positioned to advance comprehensive and translational agendas related to quality assessment and performance improvement within the continuum of care. In addition to consultation and research, Addie publishes and presents regularly and serves in a review and advisory capacity to industry organizations.

Yolanda Keys, PhD, DHA, RN, NEA-BC, EDAC, Research Associate

Yolanda Keys is a registered nurse and brings over 25 years of nursing experience that has included roles as a clinician, leader and faculty member to The Center for Health Design’s research team. With doctorates in healthcare administration and nursing, her research focuses on nurse leaders and healthy work environments – especially the built environment. She is an active member and past-president of the Nursing Institute for Health Design (NIHD). She is also an Editorial Advisory Board member for the Health Environments Research & Design (HERD) Journal.