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Health Environments Research & Design Journal

Health Environments Research & Design Journal (HERD) features articles and research papers on the relationships among health and environmental design and organizational, provider, and patient outcomes. As a translational journal linking research to practice, HERD features both rigorous research from academic sources and applied research from practice. Papers on research methods and techniques, theory papers, integrative and synthesized reviews of literature, case studies, and critical reviews of new books are accepted. Letters to the editors commenting on published articles or research and theory issues are welcome.

HERD accepts a range of manuscripts including research papers, opinion papers, theory papers, meta-analysis/metasynthesis, book reviews, case studies, independent post-occupancy evaluations, letters to the editors, and responses to letters/papers.

HERD is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal whose mission is to enhance the knowledge and practice of evidence-based healthcare design by disseminating research findings, discussing issues and trends, and translating research into practice.

The vision of HERD is to improve measurable healthcare outcomes as a result of enhancing healthcare environments for those receiving and providing care. 

HERD is the only journal featuring evidence-based articles on the design of health environments and the design-related outcomes associated with safety, clinical results, organizational performance, economics, and the human experience. The commitment to an interdisciplinary design process is reflected in HERD’s interdisciplinary Editorial Board, with representatives from healthcare (including nursing, medicine, and healthcare administration), the design industry (architecture, engineering, interiors, graphics), environmental and behavioral psychology, neurosciences, systems and organizational effectiveness, art, music, and other complementary fields. The journal centralizes knowledge about healthcare innovations and design while addressing significant industry challenges to improve patient outcomes, reduce errors, and enhance the work environments of healthcare professionals.

As a translational journal linking research to practice, HERD features both rigorous research from academic sources and applied research from practice. Submissions from both scholars and practitioners are welcome. All will be held to high standards. 

Interested In Becoming A HERD Journal Reviewer?

Learn More Here.

How to Submit:



Founding Co-Editor

D. Kirk Hamilton, PhD, FAIA, FACHA, EDAC, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX


Founding Co-Editor Emeritus

Jaynelle F. Stichler, DNS, RN, NEA-BC(R), EDAC, FACHE, FAAN, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA



Naomi A. Sachs, PhD, MLA, EDAC, Therapeutic Landscapes Network, Ithaca, NY



Debbie Gregory DNP, RN, Clinical Innovation and Transformation, Senior Clinical Consultant, Smith, Seckman, Reid, Inc.


Ellen Taylor, PhD, AIA, MBA, EDAC, Vice President for Research, The Center for Health Design


Recently published HERD Journal articles are often featured in our one-hour EBD Journal Clubs that are free and open to all.
See Past EBD Journal Club Videos Here.

Published quarterly, each HERD issue contains two CEU articles with links to download the online quiz.
Access the HERD Journal Website Here.