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Insights & Solutions

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September 2024 Webinar

This case study webinar highlights how sensor technology changed the way space is analyzed, used, and assigned at Stanford. Presenters will share how they used proof-of-concepts to evaluate sensor technology and determine the best solutions, as well as best practices. They’ll share valuable lessons learned in developing a business case for sensor implementation, overcoming internal political challenges, and space sharing, closures and consolidations. Attendees will see how sensors were integrated with a room reservation system for shared resources (i.e. consult rooms, sleep rooms, lactations spaces) and will obtain examples, dashboards, and reports for how space utilization data is being used to resolve space requests and determine how future spaces should be designed.  

Issue Brief
October 2020 Issue Brief

Learn about the origins and expanding use of telemedicine for virtual care; the role of the built environment in facilitating care via telemedicine; and how evidence was used to support and develop language for guidance (requirements and recommendations). 

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August 2020 Webinar

In response to the COVID-19 global health crisis, the healthcare industry is finding ways to innovate its practice and engage with patients from a distance. Virtual care is playing a much larger role in triaging patients to promote social distancing and keep hospitals and clinics from becoming overwhelmed. In a time of rapid expansion and the need for quick deployment, some very simple design tips can help you make the most of your virtual care spaces. This webinar will explore those innovations that are being deployed for the near term and for the future.

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