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Behavioral & Mental Health

Insights & Solutions

May 2024 Workshop

This one-day virtual workshop provides the latest in design thinking for a variety of behavioral health care settings and offers state-of-the-art best practices through thought leader presentations, case studies, and panel discussions. Attendees will have opportunities to pose questions to workshop faculty and interact with fellow attendees.

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August 2024 Webinar

This webinar will provide a brief history of the document’s inception and evolution over the years, and will explain its purpose in the context of New York State’s Office of Mental Health. Presenters will explain the various paths that products may take in their quest to be accepted into the Patient Safety Standards, including the rigorous testing protocols followed for every entry. Attendees will learn how, when and why to use the Patient Safety Standards on projects, and how to educate their own clients and colleagues on the applicability of the document.    

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August 2024 Webinar

Presenters will also introduce the Recovery Innovations (RI) model of crisis care that focuses on warm and welcoming healing spaces as one of the catalysts that provides the opportunity for someone in crisis to determine their recovery pathway. See how the Crisis Care Center supports this model and specific areas of facility design that will support three distinct levels of care: behavioral health urgent care, crisis stabilization, and inpatient services.

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