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Behavioral & Mental Health

Insights & Solutions

March 2021 Webinar

Taking advantage of the collective knowledge and expertise in attendance, this webinar will offer interdisciplinary perspectives to evaluate current cutting edge design solutions, help attendees to develop solutions of their own, and inspire further research with the aspiration to transform the future of the care team station in inpatient behavioral health settings.  

May 2020 Workshop
The Workshop 

Don’t miss this, high-return day to problem-solve with experts, idea-share with colleagues and obtain new strategies and resources to address behavioral health challenges not only in specialized units, but in emergency departments, outpatient clinics and throughout acute care settings. 

September 2020 Workshop
The Workshop

The challenges created by today’s growing mental health and substance abuse crises, especially in light of the recent pandemic, reach far beyond the behavioral health unit into emergency departments, outpatient clinics and throughout acute and ambulatory care settings.

To support improved care and enhance staff safety, today’s design, facility and care professionals have to advance their understanding of the environment’s impact on behavioral health care and learn how to incorporate the best and latest design solutions throughout all healthcare setting.

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