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Behavioral & Mental Health

Insights & Solutions

August 2022 Webinar

The program will then focus on addressing the apparent conflicts by identifying some of the alleged conflicts.  Each conflict will then be discussed in detail looking at current code requirements, changes in more recent editions of the applicable codes, and looking at equivalencies or alternative methods that could be considered.  As with other design considerations, involvement of all the stakeholders will be illustrated as a key factor in achieving an acceptable level of life safety while meeting the needs of the patients and clinical staff in a behavioral health environment.  

August 2022 Webinar

Children’s Health Dallas teamed up with Philips and Recornect to create and pilot new ED exam rooms to improve the experience of receiving mental health care in the Emergency Department. By integrating a specialized interactive touchscreen with ambient room technology and therapeutic content, ED exam rooms are transformed into ultra-tunable environments that can help improve care delivery. Patients can rapidly de-escalate, begin therapy faster, and connect with staff in new ways. This webinar will tell the story of their design process, patient outcomes and valuable lessons learned.


Product / Project Innovation Highlights
May 2022 Product / Project Innovation Highlights

Designed specifically for behavioral health, this saloon-style bathroom door releases at a weight of less than 11lbs, in any direction, and helps to create a safer environment whilst preserving the privacy and dignity of patients facing the journey towards recovery.

Learn more about gapingvoid >