Taylor, A. Murakami, M., Kim, S., Chu R., Riek, L.D. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. Vol. 6, Issue CSCW2, Article No.: 442pp 1–40. https://doi.org/10.1145/3555543.
This webinar highlights the University of Michigan Medical Center’s journey to address this challenge. In 2012, their hospital and ED leadership hypothesized that creating a dedicated unit in the ED for the provision of extended critical care would help meet some of these challenges, which in turn may improve care delivery and patient outcomes. Pre-determined guiding principles were carefully followed throughout the design and build phases. From start to finish, the project utilized key lean facilities design principles including the use of full-scale mock-ups. This led to a finished build that was completed ahead of schedule, under budget and with no significant change orders.