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Undercover Masterplan: Design as a Catalyst to Unite Two Hospital Systems

An interdisciplinary team of Philips designers, clinicians and data analysts was tasked by Westchester Medical Center to conduct a feasibility study on a local hospital in order to assess the effectiveness of their current facilities and understand existing community perceptions, with the goal of creating a roadmap for future development after a potential merger.  Although the effort was initially intended to be completely ‘undercover’, it quickly evolved into a catalyst for both sides to build a relationship and rally around.
The resulting masterplan positions the hospital campus for future growth, creates multiple points for community engagement and offers improvements to the staff, patient and family experience.  Additionally, the team visualized several key spaces within the masterplan in order to present the community with a new vision of care.
Several key tools were employed during the course of the project, including:

  • Community, Staff and EMS Surveys
  • Data Analysis of Market Trends and Patient Volumes
  • Historical Site Mapping
  • Blocking/Stacking Diagrams
  • Conceptual Renderings of Key Spaces
  • Building Information Modeling
  • Future State Animations