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Post-Acute Environments – What’s Wrong With Them?

Faced with the challenges of delivering on the quality care proposition associated with the population health, with the value-based payment system, and CMS Star ratings, healthcare providers have begun collaborating in new ways to manage chronically ill populations, eliminate the need for hospital re-admissions, and improve patient outcomes, while lowering healthcare costs.Acute and post-acute care providers understand that they must achieve the required metrics including percent re-admissions to hospitals, resident falls, resident infections, resident mortalities, integration, physician alignment, controlling total continuum of care costs, and achieving a sustainable margin - if they are to survive, and thrive.
Competitive, therapeutic environments will be critical.
Findings from research associated with thirty post-acute care facilities will be shared, exploring “what’s wrong” with many existing facilities and what is needed. Researched, transformational, built facility solutions will be presented, including a new state of the art memory care facility in Illinois.Learn the evidence-based, best practice design benchmarks for 21st century post-acute environments.