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Positive Impacts of a Hospital Garden on Patients, Families and Nurses

Medical centers are places of high stress for patients, family members, and health care professionals. This webinar will present an overview of the Legacy Emanuel Medical Center garden research project. For this project, The Center for Health Design awarded Legacy Health and Quatrefoil, Inc. its 2018 Evidence-Based Design Touchstone Award at the highest Platinum Level.  Attendees will gain an understanding of the impact of an evidence-based design (EBD) process to create a hospital garden to reduce stress in three different user groups, learn the positive effects of a garden on different hospital populations, and see how the garden is used in daily programming to serve all hospital populations.
This five-year project included an interdisciplinary design team, three EBD research teams, and a team of stakeholders led by principal co-investigators Roger Ulrich PhD, EDAC, and Serene Perkins M.D., Director of Clinical Research.  Legacy’s Medical Director for Employee Health leads efforts to translate research findings into regular programming and opportunities for Legacy’s 14,000 employees and 3500 physicians. Clinical practice nurse leaders are implementing the findings to support the well-being of Legacy’s 4,500 nurses by addressing key issues in the American Nurses Association Health Risk Appraisal.