
Todd Wilkening has 25 years of experience in Health Care Facilities Management. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin in Construction Management & the University of St. Thomas in Business Administration. Todd has led to way for his employer, Ridgeview Medical Center in obtaining several awards of excellence to include the PGH Partner’s for Change” award and becoming “Mercury Free”, the MPCA Green Star Building Award, Twin City Health Care Engineers Association (TCHEA) George Burton award for Excellence, 7 time winner of the PGH Environmental Leadership Award including the Minnesota Governor’s Award for Pollution Prevention.
Todd has served as the Vice President of Research for the International Facility Managers Association’s Health Care Institute (IFMA-HCI) and recently stepped down as the Vice President of HCI and benchmarking chair of IFMA’s alliance partner (HCI) in order to further pursue his drive for continued research, health care facility management advancement, and ongoing authorships.
Todd has a natural passion for healthcare facilities management and those who are working in the industry. He is very active with ASHE, IFMA-HCI, as well as the Canadian Healthcare Engineer’s Society (CHES), and most recently the International Federation of Hospital Engineering (IFHE).