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Knowledge Repository

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The effect of hospital layout on caregiver-patient communication patterns

Author(s): Pachilova, R., Sailer, K.
This article suggests that the field of evidence-based design (EBD), which considers information from case evaluations and credible research during design-related decision processes, has only marginally examined hospital layouts and their effects. As a result, this study attempts to build on the tradition of “Space Syntax” research, which is a theory that explores how space controls and generates encounters between inhabitants and visitors of certain spaces and how these two groups engage in communication.
Key Point Summary
Added June 2016

Realizing improved patient care through human-centered operating room design: A human factors methodology for observing flow disruptions in the cardiothoracic operating room

Author(s): Palmer, G., Abernathy, J. H., Swinton, G., Allison, D., Greenstein, J., Shappell, S., Juang, K., Reeves, S. T.
The authors indicate that disruptions in the workflow of surgeries can extend surgery times and contribute to the escalation of healthcare costs.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

Patient Safety in the Cardiac Operating Room: Human Factors and Teamwork A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

Author(s): Wahr, J. A., Prager, R. L., Abernathy, J. H., Martinez, E. A., Salas, E., Seifert, P. C., Groom, R. C., Spiess, B. D., Searles, B. E., Sundt, T. M., Sanchez, J. A., Shappell, S. A., Culig, M. H., Lazzara, E. H., Fitzgerald, D. C., Thourani, V. H., Eghtesady, P., Ikonomidis, J. S., England, M. R., Sellke, F. W., Nussmeier, N. A.
The cardiac surgical operating room is a complex environment, where patient lives are saved or considerably improved with the help of sophisticated equipment and skilled personnel. Although outcomes are improving, adverse events still occur, many of which are preventable. This statement is the result of a review of literature that presented evidence on patient safety and interventions that worked in enhancing patient safety in the cardiac OR.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2015

Inpatient fall prevention: Use of in-room Webcams

Author(s): Hardin, S. R., Dienemann, J., Rudisill, P., Mills, K. K.
The National Database for Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) maintains data on patient falls nationally. Reported fall rates have ranged from 2.2 to 7 per 1000 admissions; 10% to 25% of falls result in an injury, depending on patient population. Falls adversely impact hospital costs as well as patient costs and overall well-being. The California HealthCare Foundation reported that technological innovations in the field of fall prevention, such as wireless patient monitoring systems, resulted in faster nurse response times and increased satisfaction for both patients and staff.
Key Point Summary
Added December 2014

Acuity-Adaptable Patient Room Improves Length of Stay and Cost of Patients Undergoing Renal Transplant: A Pilot Study

Author(s): Bonuel, N., Degracia, A., Cesario, S.
As patient room design has evolved to accommodate changes in clinical services, operational trends, and new technologies, the acuity-adaptable patient room concept has emerged. In an acuity-adaptable room, patients are cared for across the continuum, from intake to discharge regardless of their progress or condition. This is a departure from the current standard care delivery, where patients move from unit to unit and room to room depending on the level of care acuity.
Key Point Summary
Added March 2014