Optimizing floor plans of accessible restrooms in elderly long-term care facilities: A path planning approach
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
Journal Article
Issue 4
Volume 20
Pages 891-910
Author(s): Yuan, H., Shen, X.
Research demonstrates that diminished core strength and mobility can make it difficult for the elderly using wheelchairs or walkers (EUWW) to navigate confined restroom spaces. Ensuring adequate room to maneuver within restrooms can support the independence and self-esteem of EUWW and reduce the physical workload of caregivers.
Added November 2023
Exploring the safe environment provided by nurses in inpatient psychiatric wards: A mixed-methods study
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
Journal Article
Issue 2
Volume 31
Pages 257-269
Author(s): Maddineshat, M., Khodaveisi, M., Kamyari, N., Razavi, M., Pourmoradi, F., Sadeghian, E.
This study investigates how mental health nurses (MHNs) maintain safety in crowded inpatient psychiatric wards, where risks like violence, self-harm, and medical errors are prevalent. Previous research has shown that creating a safe environment is essential for patient recovery and staff well-being, with MHNs often using vigilance strategies to minimize risks.
Added October 2023
Effects of a tailored lighting intervention on sleep quality, rest–activity, mood, and behavior in older adults with Alzheimer disease and related dementias: A randomized clinical trial
Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
Journal Article
Issue 12
Volume 15
Pages 1757-1767
Author(s): Figueiro, M. G., Plitnick, B., Roohan, C., Sahin, L., Kalsher, M., Rea, M. S.
Added September 2023
Balancing bricks, bytes and behavior: Lessons learned from inpatient wards with 100% single occupancy rooms
Author(s): van Heel, L., van Oel, C.
Added September 2023
How visibility may reduce security issues in community hospitals’ emergency departments
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Journal Article
Issue 1
Volume 17
Pages 135-147
Author(s): Gharaveis, A., Hamilton, D. K., Pati, D., Shepley, M. M., Rodiek, S., McCall, D.
Research shows that many environmental factors have been employed to improve emergency department (ED) safety. Visibility as a design factor, an operational factor, and a layout characteristic can be leveraged to improve both safety and care efficiency.
Added August 2023
Source Control of Gram-Negative Bacteria Using Self-Disinfecting Sinks in a Swedish Burn Centre
Journal Article
Issue 4
Volume 11
Pages 965
Author(s): Gideskog, M., Falkeborn, T., Welander, J., Melhus, Å.
Hospital sinks can harbor harmful bacteria, which can spread to patients, particularly in intensive care units (ICUs) and burn centers, where patients are highly susceptible to infections. Prior studies linked sinks to outbreaks but lacked direct evidence of patient transmission.
Added August 2023
Exploring Sign System Design for a Medical Facility: A Virtual Environment Study on Wayfinding Behaviors
Journal Article
Issue 6
Volume 13
Pages 1366
Author(s): Ching-Yuan, W., Chen, C.-I., Meng-Cong, Z.
Added August 2023
Challenging behavior in context: A case study on how people, space, and activities interact
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Journal Article
Issue 4
Volume 16
Pages 296-312
Author(s): Roos, B. A., Mobach, M., Heylighen, A.
Added July 2023
From stressful to mindful: Reactions to a proposed emergency department design for enhancing mindfulness and stress reduction among healthcare clinical staff
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Journal Article
Issue 4
Volume 16
Pages 82-102
Author(s): Valipoor, S., Bosch, S. J., Chiu, L. Y. T.
Research demonstrates that clinician burnout is a significant issue, especially in high-stress areas like emergency departments (EDs). Intentionally designed environmental features may serve to promote clinician well-being and mollify work-related stress.
Added May 2023
Systematic review on environmental design for adaptive and problem behaviors of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Journal Article
Issue 4
Volume 16
Pages 213-239
Author(s): Ellis, N., Yi, Y. J.
Added May 2023
Designing for family engagement in neonatal ICUs: How is the interior design of single-family rooms supporting family behaviors, from passive to active?
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Journal Article
Issue 3
Volume 16
Pages 238-260
Author(s): Machry, H., Joseph, A., White, R., Allison, D.
Added May 2023
The birth companions’ experience of the birthing room and how it influences the supportive role: A qualitative study
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Journal Article
Issue 3
Volume 16
Pages 156-167
Author(s): Nilvér, H., Berg, M.
Research shows that receiving support from non-health-professional companions during birth results in healthier outcomes, but there is a lack of information on what companions, who typically are not associated with the healthcare facility, need.
Added May 2023
Waiting room physical environment and outpatient experience: The spatial user experience model as analytical tool
Journal of Interior Design
Journal Article
Issue 4
Volume 46
Pages 27-48
Author(s): Nehme, B. J., Torres Irribarra, D. T., Cumsille, P., Yoon, S.-Y.
This study examines how the design of waiting rooms can influence patient satisfaction, building on prior research suggesting that physical environments impact healthcare experiences. The researchers used the Spatial User Experience (SUE) model, which considers elements like comfort, visual appeal, and navigation ease to evaluate their effect on patients' overall satisfaction and willingness to return.
Added April 2023
On the restorative break: Understanding the role of break room design on nurse engagement and satisfaction
Workplace Health & Safety
Journal Article
Issue 7
Volume 71
Pages 329-336
Author(s): Lorusso, L., Ossmann, M., Orozco, T., Lawson, L.
Research demonstrates that breaks are important in mitigating the physical, cognitive, and emotional demands of nursing work. It is important that nursing unit break areas are not only accessible but also restorative.
Added April 2023
Evaluating occupant light exposure and usage patterns in an inpatient behavioral health unit
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Journal Article
Issue 2
Volume 16
Pages 89-108
Author(s): Banasiak, M., Wilkerson, A., Safranek, S.
Exposure to certain intensities and wavelengths of light at certain times throughout the day may disrupt the circadian rhythm, which is linked to numerous adverse health effects. Hospital patients are often exposed to a variety of environmental factors that might disrupt their circadian rhythms, including lighting conditions created by traditional lighting systems.
Added April 2023
The influence of everyday acoustic environments on the challenging behavior in dementia: A participatory observation study in nursing homes
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Journal Article
Issue 5
Volume 20
Pages 4191
Author(s): Talebzadeh, A., Decoutere, I., Vander Mynsbrugge, T., Botteldooren, D., Devos, P., Aletta, F., Van de Velde, D., De Vriendt, P.
Added April 2023
Coping and caregiving: Leveraging environmental design to moderate stress among healthcare workers in the emergency department setting
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal
Journal Article
Issue 3
Volume 16
Pages 261-277
Author(s): Bosch, S. J., Valipoor, S., Alakshendra, A., De Portu, G., Mohammadigorji, S., Rittenbacher, D., Black, K., Calienes, E.
Research demonstrates that healthcare work is demanding and emergency departments (EDs) are known to be particularly stressful. There is a lack of information about relationships between the built environment and the behaviors clinicians use to cope with work-related stress.
Added February 2023
Effects of the physical environment on children and families in hospital-based emergency departments: A systematic literature review
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Journal Article
Author(s): Gripko, M., Joseph, A., MohammadiGorji, S.
The emergency department (ED) environment is often a very stressful place, especially for young children and their families. Previous studies show that highly stimulating environments may increase anxiety. There are many complex relationships among the physical environment and healthcare outcomes in the emergency department, and themes in this study include control, positive distractions, family and social supports, and designing for a safe and comfortable experience.
Added February 2023
The aerobiome in a hospital environment: Characterization, seasonal tendencies and the effect of window opening ventilation
Building and Environment
Journal Article
Author(s): Núñez, A., García, A. M.
The biological particles (or bioaerosols) found within indoor and outdoor atmospheres create the overall aerobiome of a given area. Little is known about the behavior of bioaerosols in healthcare facilities. Since the presence of certain bioaerosols can impact human health in numerous ways, it is important to understand the variables that influence their dynamics and diversity.
Added January 2023
Using architectural mapping to understand behavior and space utilization in a surgical waiting room of a safety net hospital
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Journal Article
Issue 21
Volume 19
Pages 13870
Author(s): Liao, E. N., Chehab, L. Z., Ossmann, M., Alpers, B., Patel, D., Sammann, A.
Added December 2022