Sleep and adverse environmental factors in sedated mechanically ventialted pediatric intensive care patients
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Journal Article
Issue 5
Volume 6
Pages 562-567
Author(s): Al-Samsam, R., Cullen, O.
Added October 2012
Noise in the postanaesthesia care unit
British Journal of Anaesthesia
Journal Article
Issue 3
Volume 88
Pages 369-73
Author(s): Allaouchiche, B., Duflo, F., Debon, R., Bergeret, A., Chassard, D.
Added October 2012
Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Nonpharmacological Intervention to Improve Abnormal Sleep/Wake Patterns in Nursing Home Residents
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
Journal Article
Issue 5
Volume 53
Pages 803-810
Author(s): Alessi, C.A., Martin, J.L., Webber, A.P., Kim, E.C., Harker, J.O., Josephson, K.R.
Sleep disturbance, common in older adults living in the community, is even more prevalent in long-stay nursing home residents. Studies suggest that non-pharmacological interventions such as timed exposure to bright light, increased physical activity, or decreased nighttime noise and light levels can be an alternative approaches for improving sleep patterns in nursing home residents.
Added October 2012
Use of active noise cancellation devices in caregivers in the intensive care unit
Critical Care Medicine
Journal Article
Issue 4
Volume 28
Pages 1157-1160
Author(s): Akhtar, S., Weigle, C., Toohill, R., Berens, R.
Added October 2012
Design of circulation axes in densely used polyclinic waiting halls
Building and Environment
Journal Article
Issue 4
Volume 42
Pages 1743-1751
Author(s): Akalin-Baskaya, A., Yildirim, K.
The purpose of this article is to explore whether spatial definition can affect the perceptual evaluations of users in highly dense conditions. The particular spatial definition studied in this research was the relationship between circulation axes and seating areas of a waiting hall. In crowded public interiors, it is generally assumed that users feel less comfortable and less safe. As suggested...
Added October 2012
Quantitative Noise Analysis in a Modern Hospital
Archives of Environmental Health
Journal Article
Issue 6
Volume 37
Pages 361-4
Author(s): Aitken, R.J.
Added October 2012
Environmental noise as a cause of sleep disruption in an intermediate respiratory care unit
Journal Article
Issue 9
Volume 19
Pages 707-10
Author(s): Aaron, J.N., Carlisle, C.C., Carskadon, M.A., Meyer, T.J., Hill, N.S., Millman, R.P.
Added October 2012
Hospital Noise Stresses Patients and Staff
The ASHA Leader
Journal Article
Issue 3
Volume 11
Pages 5-5
Author(s): West, J.E., Busch-Vishniac, E.
Added October 2012
Hospital noise leads to higher work stress: levels rarely rise to hearing hazard
Hospital Employee Health
Journal Article
Issue 6
Volume 24
Pages 70
Added October 2012
National satisfaction data for 2006 assessing satisfaction with noise levels in and around room
Author(s): Press Ganey Inc.
Added October 2012
Interventions to reduce decibel levels on patient care units
The American Surgeon
Issue 9
Volume 64
Pages 894-899
Author(s): Moore, M.M., Nguyen, D, Nolan, S.P., Robinson, S.P., Ryals,B., Imbrie, J.Z., Sotnitz, W.
Added October 2012
IV: Physical Ergonomics
Carayon, Pascale (2007)
Book Section
Pages Handbook of human factors and ergonomics in health care and patient safety. (pp. 275-363). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. xiv, 995
Author(s): Reiling, J., Chernos, S., Alvarado, C.J., Hignett, S., Nelson, A., Baptiste, A.S., Matz, M., Fragala, G., Buß, B., Friesdorf, W.
Added October 2012
Environmental psychophysiology
Handbook of psychophysiology (2nd ed.)
Book Section
Author(s): Parsons, R., Hartig, T.
Added October 2012
The Relationship Between Counselor Satisfaction and Extrinsic Job Factors in State Rehabilitation Agencies
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin
Journal Article
Issue 4
Volume 45
Pages 223-232
Author(s): Andrew, J. D., Faubion, C. W., Palmer, C. D.
In a national study, researchers collected survey data from 315 state rehabilitation agency counselors in 16 states to examine job satisfaction and extrinsic job factors. This report provides statistical analyses and extensive descriptive data characteristics. For example, only 46% of the sample reported having a master's degree (or higher) in some form of counseling, and only 25% reported...
Added August 2012