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Knowledge Repository

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The Knowledge Repository is a complete, user-friendly database of healthcare design research references that continues to grow with the latest peer-reviewed publications. Start with our Knowledge Repository for all of your searches for articles and research citations on healthcare design topics. Access full texts through the source link, read key point summaries, or watch slidecasts. Expand your search and find project briefs, interviews, and other relevant resources by visiting our Insights & Solutions page.


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Displaying 461 - 480 of 491

Behavior-relevant ecological factors

Author(s): Lawton, M.P.
Added October 2012

Sensitivity to noise, personality hardiness, and noise-induced stress in critical care nurses

Author(s): Topf, M.
Added October 2012

How physical settings affect chronic mental patients

Author(s): Christenfeld, R., Wagner, J., Pastva, G., Acrish, W.P.
Added October 2012

Cognitive mapping in a complex building

Author(s): Moeser, S.D.
Added October 2012

A causal link between handwashing and risk of infection? Examination of the evidence

Author(s): Larson, E.
Added October 2012

The effects of progressive muscular relaxation on subjectively reported disturbance due to hospital noise

Author(s): Griffin, J.P., Myers, S., Kopelke, C., Walker, D.
Added October 2012

Effects of simulated facility-design changes on outpatient pharmacy efficiency

Author(s): Lin, A. C., Barker, K. N., Hassall, T. H., Gallelli, J. F.
The potential effects of using the Baker drug counter or the Systamodule pharmacy fixture, or both, on the efficiency of the current outpatient pharmacy system at the National Institutes of Health were evaluated by computer simulation. It was hypothesized that the use of these two devices would reduce (1) the prescription-filling time (RxFT) and (2) the distance traveled (DT) by pharmacists in...
Key Point Summary
Added August 2012

Effect of Visitors on Patient Behavior in the Postanesthesia Period.

Author(s): Vogelsang, J.
Added October 2012

Windows, views, and health status in hospital therapeutic environments

Author(s): Verderber, S., Reuman, D.
Added October 2012

Dimensions of person-window transactions in the hospital environment

Author(s): Verderber, S.
Added October 2012

Increasing Handwashing Compliance With More Accessible Sinks

Author(s): Kaplan, L. M., McGuckin, M.
There is a significant body of evidence on how handwashing can reduce the spread of Hospital Acquired Infections (HAI). The directive for design is to aid handwashing compliance by the design and placement of sinks.
Key Point Summary
Added October 2012

Narcotic utilization for back pain patients housed in private and semi-private rooms

Author(s): Dolce, J.J., Doleys, D.M., Raczynski, J.M., Crocker, M.F.
Added October 2012

Hospital Design and Wayfinding: A Video Simulation Study.

Author(s): Carpman, J.R., Grant, M.A., Simmons, D.A.
Added October 2012

Effects of Furniture Rearrangement on the Atmosphere of Wards in a Maximum-Security Hospital

Author(s): Baldwin, S.
Added October 2012

The placement and misplacement of you-are-here maps.

Author(s): Levine, M., Marchon, I., Hanley, G.
Added October 2012

The Evaluation of an Environmental Remodeling Program on a Psychiatric Geriatric Ward

Author(s): Stahler, G.J., Frazer, D., Rappaport, H.
Added October 2012

Objective and subjective evaluation of psychiatric ward redesign

Author(s): Whitehead, C. C., Polsky, R. H., Crookshank, C., Fik, E.
At the time of this study, relatively little research had been done to explore the potential benefits of incorporating architectural designs geared specifically towards improved patient well-being in psychiatric treatment environments. A “psychoenvironmental” model incorporating therapeutic architectural designs into psychiatric healthcare environments was developed before the publication of this study; however, this particular model had not yet been examined empirically.
Key Point Summary
Added August 2018

Experimental Alterations in Playroom Layout and their Effect on Staff and Child Behavior

Author(s): Neill, S.
Added October 2012

The effects of rearranging ward routines on communication and eating behaviors of psychogeriatric patients

Author(s): Melin, L., Gotestam, K.G.
Added October 2012

Evaluating Architectural Legibility Way-Finding in the Built Environment

Author(s): Weisman, J.
Added October 2012