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Knowledge Repository

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The Knowledge Repository is a complete, user-friendly database of healthcare design research references that continues to grow with the latest peer-reviewed publications. Start with our Knowledge Repository for all of your searches for articles and research citations on healthcare design topics. Access full texts through the source link, read key point summaries, or watch slidecasts. Expand your search and find project briefs, interviews, and other relevant resources by visiting our Insights & Solutions page.


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Displaying 41 - 60 of 79

An observational study of hand washing and infection control practices by healthcare workers

Author(s): Watanakunakorn, C., Wang, C., Hazy, J.
Added October 2012

Criteria for a recommended standard, occupational noise exposure, revised criteria

Author(s): National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Added October 2012

Why is the pain relief of dying patients often unsuccessful? The relatives' perspectives

Author(s): Miettinen, T.T., Tilvis, R.S., Karppi, P., Arve, S.
Added October 2012

A case control study of falls in the hospital setting

Author(s): Ash, K.L., MacLeod, P., Clark, L.
Added October 2012

Windows in the workplace: Sunlight, view, and occupational stress

Author(s): Leather, P., Pyrgas, M., Beale, D., Lawrence, C.
Added October 2012

10 myths of healing environments. A healthy space doesn't have to be a huge headache

Author(s): Huelat, B.J.
Added October 2012

Ventilation grilles as a potential source of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus causing an outbreak in an orthopaedic ward at a district general hospital

Author(s): Kumari, D.N., Haji, T.C., Keer, V., Hawkey, P.M., Duncanson, V., Flower, E.
Added October 2012

Toxicity of hydrogen peroxide produced by electroplated coatings to pathogenic bacteria

Author(s): Zhao, Z.-H., Sakagami, Y., Osaka, T.
Added October 2012

Toxic Responses and Catalase Activity of Lemna minorL. Exposed to Folpet, Copper, and Their Combination

Author(s): Teisseire ,H., Couderchet, M., Vernet, G.
Added October 2012

Thermal adaptation in the built environment: a literature review

Author(s): Brager, G., de Dear, R.
Added October 2012

Therapeutic landscapes in holistic medicine

Author(s): Williams, A.
This study looks at the cross-section between humanism (as applied to holistic medicine) and therapeutic landscapes, and analyzes their impact on health and healing. Therapeutic landscapes are by definition, “changing places, settings, situations, locales and milieus that encompass both the physical and psychological environments associated with treatment or healing.” In simple terms, natural landscapes can play a vital role in the healing of illness. Health programs centered on these ideals are thought to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual healing.
Key Point Summary
Added November 2014

The Therapeutic Use of Technology

Author(s): Rode, D.C., Capitulo, K.L., Fishman, M., Holden, G.
Added October 2012

The Relationship Between Physical Restraint Removal and Falls and Injuries Among Nursing Home Residents

Author(s): Capezuti, E., Strumpf, N. E., Evans, L. K., Grisso, J. A., Maislin, G.
Patient falls refer to patients’ unplanned descent to the floor, either with or without injuries to the patients. Patient falls and related injuries are a leading cause of morbidity and mortality and contribute to high healthcare cost. Healthcare organizations have experimented with many fall-prevention programs including restraint reduction and other modifications of the physical environment.
Key Point Summary
Added August 2012

A new look for tomorrow's health facilities

Author(s): Beale, C.
Added October 2012

The impact of flicker from fluorescent lighting on well-being, performance, and physiological arousal

Author(s): Kuller, R., Laike, T.
Added October 2012

The Experience of Hospitalized Adolescents: How Well Do We Meet Their Developmental Needs

Author(s): Gusella, J.L., Ward, A.-M., Butler, G.S.
Added October 2012

The Effects of Familial Voice Interventions on Comatose Head-Injured Patients

Author(s): Walker, J.S., Eakes, G.G., Siebelink, E.
Added October 2012

The effect of traffic patterns in the OR on surgical site infections.

Author(s): Pryor, F., Messmer, P.R.
Added October 2012

The ceiling lift: An efficient way to prevent injuries to nursing staff

Author(s): Villeneuve, J.
Added October 2012

Surveillance of handwashing episodes in adult intensive-care units by measuring an index of soap and paper towel consumption

Author(s): Bittner, M.J., Rich, E.C.
Added October 2012