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Improving the Outdoor Access for Older Adults

Improving the Outdoor Access for Older Adults
Price: $49.50
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Publisher: The Texas A&M University Center for Health Systems & Design
Funded by: The National Institute on Aging, a division of the NIH

ASLA 2010 Professional Awards Winner

DVD2: "Improving Outdoor Access for Older Adults" (31 minutes)
How the Building influences outdoor usage

Whether you are planning a new community or remodeling an existing one, this video illustrates a variety of ways the building layout can encourage residents to go outdoors. Case sutdies, sketches, and models show how to make strong indoor-outdoor connections, remove 'invisible' barriers, and create successful transition zones.

This educational resource also includes:

  • Online Interactive exercises
  • Research references
  • In-depth readings on dementia
  • Outdoor evaluation tool
  • Continuing education credit