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Communication Toolbox


People treated in facilities where the setting is conducive to strong communication tend to give higher scores in patient satisfaction surveys. By focusing on the communication that occurs between providers and patients in a healthcare space, design can be used to facilitate and enhance meaningful interaction.


The Communication Toolbox Contains: 


Issue Brief and Executive Summmary 

"Nurse-Patient Communication: Let's Talk About It...," in this issue brief  you will learn about elements of the built environment that improve nurse-patient communication, design interventions that could improve nurse-patient communication as found in the literature and how to ask better questions surrounding this critical relationship during your next project.


Four Video and Written Interviews 

Three Project Brief 

Design Tool



Three Blogs 

Related Resources 

  • Communication Resources, is a list of resources made of up of articles, books, policies, organizations, and more, related to communication.  Use this list to learn more about this topic.


Lessons Learned 

  • Lessons learned about Communication, the following are compiled from research literature, case studies, interviews, and other materials to provide an overview on the topic of communication.  


Design Strategies

Click here to view all Communication Toolbox resources   

* Want to learn how to become an Affiliate+ member?  Contact Lynn Kenney, lkenney@healthdesign.org