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Materials & Surfaces: Considerations and Approaches for Safer Places

When: July 22, 2021
Time: 10:00am Pacific
Price: FREE**

1.5 units EDAC continuing education
1.5 units AIA continuing education**
IDCEC credit also available**

CEU forms will be made available day of webinar


Conversation and the exchange of experiences, insights and expectations among exemplars of the healthcare and design industries.

Dialogue Details

  • 1 1/2 hours
  • Guided panel discussion
  • Interactive, live attendee chat with extended, facilitated Q&A
  • Post-dialogue recording, resources, and chat notes

The materials and surfaces used in the environments where people receive healthcare have been evolving for decades and are essential to positive healthcare outcomes. The criticality of the COVID pandemic underscored this and demanded that healthcare delivery processes and spaces be radically rethought.

This engaging webinar panel will bring together a group of industry thought leaders, designers and infection preventionists to explore next steps in the deployment of materials and surfaces. Panelists will share the current state of the practice, what we can do now, and will look at near term developments to forecast “what’s next”. Hear about innovations and applications into the future with new models and processes that could reshape the future of health, wellness and how and where we will receive care.

Thanks to our Sponsor Partner


VOICES is The Center for Health Design’s premier visionary discussion forum. These hosted interactive webinar panels engage key leaders, from across our industry in discussions that address critical issues, trends, and opportunities of importance in Healthcare and the future of the built environment.

  • Each session will feature a panel of exemplars who will share their experiences from their unique perspectives with a guided discussion and facilitated Q&A.
  • The facilitated format will have extended Q&A with live chat from virtual attendees, post-session recording, and chat notes available.
  • The series's goals are to help individuals and organizations make a difference by illuminating key opportunities, strategies, and innovations while providing a clear link to helpful and thought-provoking resources at the end of each session.  


Presenting Faculty


Barbara Dellinger, MA, FIIDA, CHID, CID, EDAC 
Member/NCIDQ& AAHID Board Director Design & Research
Adventist HealthCar






Teri Lura Bennett RN, CHID, CID, IIDA, EDAC, NIHD
Board Member, 2021 President-elect, Test Development Committee Chair 
The American Academy of Healthcare Interior Designers




Andrea V Hyde, CID, CHID, NCIDQ 
Sr. Project Manager – Senior Planner/ Designer
Stanford Health Care





Shari Solomon, Esq. 
Industrial Hygienist & President
CleanHealth Environmental LLC





Lela Luper
Chair of the Infection Prevention Focus Group
FGI Guidelines