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Elly Waaijer, MSc, CCMM, OT

Elly has many years of experience as a clinical advisor in the international med tech world. In 2013, she started her own international research and consultancy company. As a certified change management master and occupational therapist, she has a broad experience in participative ergonomics in the healthcare environment. Her goal: A better and safer work environment for the caregivers with better quality of care and patient outcomes as a prerequisite for the design of a care environment. In 2012, Elly co-authored the ISO TR 12296 – Manual Handling of People in the Healthcare Sector. She also was the project leader and co-author of a well-documented guide for architects published in 2014. This guide describes the mobility levels of patients in an existing or future care environment and the minimum space requirements needed to mobilise the patient and to enable staff to support this handling without risks for static and dynamic overload. It also includes a dedicated chapter for space requirements for the care process of bariatric patients. Combining a strong focus on return on investment while implementing new strategies, Elly has developed safe patient handling and mobilization programs for all care environments that include enough space, appropriate aids and the right working techniques.  - See more at: /insights-solutions/patient-safety-next-steps-industry-interview-elly-waaijer-msc-ccmm-ot#sthash.Dnb6B2yY.dpuf