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Thomas M. Jung, RA

Thomas M. Jung Consulting, LLC

Tom Jung has over 30 years in the healthcare design field, with a primary focus on regulatory compliance and coordination. Spending 24 years with the New York State Department of Health’s Certificate of Need Program, Tom directed the effort for 16 of those years while overseeing the review and approval of more than $2 billion dollars of new projects annually. He is a founding member of The Center for Health Design’s Environmental Standards Council, and attributes that first and ongoing experience as a major influence on the nature of his communication with the designers and providers seeking state licensure.

Tom has also been intimately involved with development of the Guidelines for Design and Construction of Health Care Facilities since 1997, including Facilities Guidelines Institute board membership between 2003 and 2014, and served as CEO of the Facility Guidelines Institute for one year, stepping down in February 2015. He presently consults with a select number of clients on a limited basis.