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Infection Control Toolbox


Healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and other easily transmittable diseases are a serious concern in most facilities today. Implementing some of the latest best practices in your physical environment can help to minimize their impact—and help you get the best outcomes from your efforts. 

The Infection Prevention Toolbox Contains:


Issue Briefs and Executive Summaries 

  • "Contact Transmission, Part 1: The Role of Surfaces in Healthcare-Associated Infections," in this issue brief you will learn about, the role of surfaces in the chain of transmission and the epidemiology of infections, environmental conditions that affect the growth and transmission of pathogens, and cleaning and disinfecting strategies. 
  • "Contact Transmission, Part 2: Materials, Design, and Cleaning," in this issue brief you will learn about, high-touch and soft surfaces and their effect on antimicrobial behavior, different cleaning mechanisms and their impact on surfaces, and an approach for structuring infection prevention teams during the design process. 
  • "Clean Hands Save Lives: A Systems Approach to Improving Hand Hygiene," in this issue brief  and executive summary you will learn about the importance of hand hygiene in improving safety, quality, and economic impact, a systems approach to hand hygiene that integrates environmental, operational, and personal factors for infection prevention, and new, effective, and easy-to-implement hand hygiene measures.


Four Interviews  



Three Tools



Two Project Briefs



Webinars and EBD Journal Clubs 



Three Blogs

Design Strategies


  • Environmental Surfaces and HAIs design strategies examines how healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are one of the most challenging issues in healthcare. The selection of appropriate materials and finishes, along with an understanding of cleaning processes, is part of a systems approach to reducing HAIs.
  • Hand hygiene design strategies, examines how hand hygiene is the single most important component of healthcare-associated infection prevention. The physical environment plays a key role in promoting hand hygiene. Effective hand hygiene strategies integrate environmental, personal, and organizational/operational elements.    


Related Resources


Infection Control Related Resources, this list of resources is made of up of articles, books, policies, organizations, and more, related to infection control.  Use this list to learn more about this topic.


Lessons Learned


Lessons Learned About Infection Control, the following are compiled from research literature, case studies, interviews, and other materials to provide an overview on the topic of infection control.  

Click here to view all Infection Control Toolbox resources   

* Want to learn how to become an Affiliate+ member?  Contact Lynn Kenney, [email protected]