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Insights & Solutions

    February 2019 Tool

    The following table provides a crosswalk of design categories in the built environment (e.g., unit layout) and safety issues to consider in behavioral and mental health settings (e.g., blind spots). This table is meant to serve as a high-level roadmap for design considerations in conjunction with the online Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) toolkit (www.healthdesign.org/sra). It is not intended to serve as a substitute for the online version of the SRA tool.

    September 2017 Tool

    The Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) Toolkit is:

    a proactive process that can mitigate risk a discussion prompt for a multidisciplinary team an evidence-based design (EBD) approach to identify solutions.

    The SRA targets six areas of safety (infections, falls, medication errors, security, injuries of behavioral health, and patient handling) as required in the FGI Guidelines.