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Insights & Solutions

    EBD Journal Club
    May 2017 EBD Journal Club

    Bayramzadeh, S. (2017). An assessment of levels of safety in psychiatric units. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 10(2), 66-80.

    EBD Journal Club
    May 2017 EBD Journal Club

    Pati, D., Pati, S., & Harvey Jr, T. E. (2016). Security implications of physical design attributes in the emergency department. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 9(4), 50-63.

    October 2017 Interview

    Learn about: How to think big when building small; how a smaller environment can benefit residents and caregivers; and SAGE and its mission to unite industry leaders, healthcare providers, and consultants.

    June 2017 Webinar

    This webinar explores how a vast majority of the design community embraces Universal Design as a concept – especially those in health and wellness industries – but true universal design implementation is challenging. In this presentation, two key thought leaders in the universal design arena share expertise and insight around true and tangible universal design: what it means, what it looks like, and how to achieve it. This webinar is the second presentation in a three-part series on universal design. Part 1: “To Age is Human: Universal Design Research and Trends” and is available On Demand. Part 3 will be presented in late 2017/early 2018 and will be presented by a panel of Universal Design futurists.

    April 2017 Blog

    The best hospital design plans are only as good as the processes and systems they support. What this means when it comes to patient throughput is that a well-thought-out built environment needs to have well-functioning services and policies in place to ensure that things run in a truly optimal way. One way to do this is to include the “right” people in your efforts from the very beginning onward.

    April 2017 Blog

    What message does your Emergency Department (ED) send to patients who step through the doors? If it isn’t a comprehensively welcoming one, you could be increasing patient and family stress levels before they’ve even begun assessment or treatment. As overcrowding in EDs and awareness of the consequences grows within the healthcare industry, it’s crucial to begin taking steps to improve your care environment for staff and patients.

    April 2017 Interview

    Learn about: the importance of using durable products and finishes in senior living environments, the key to designing a functional and effective senior living environment, and how manufacturers, designers, and industry leaders collaborate to improve the lives of the aging population.

    April 2017 Related Resource

    This list of resources is made of up of articles, books, policies, organizations, and more, related to the impact of aging. Use this list to learn more about this topic.

    Lessons Learned
    April 2017 Lessons Learned

    The following are compiled from research literature, case studies, interviews, and other materials to provide an overview on the topic of aging populations.  

    March 2017 Webinar

    This webinar covers pioneering models for healthy living and healthcare, including examples from the village movement, healthcare at home, and multigenerational day care. As people live longer, managing the needs of the aging population is more important than ever. But the needs of the aging population – love, safety, health and wellness, the pursuit of happiness – are the same for any person at any age.