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Insights & Solutions

Issue Brief
June 2019 Issue Brief

As part of the infection control toolbox, in this issue brief you will learn about, high-touch and soft surfaces and their effect on antimicrobial behavior, different cleaning mechanisms and their impact on surfaces, and an approach for structuring infection prevention teams during the design process. 

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June 2019 Webinar

This webinar offers recent evidence-based strategies that if followed, can contribute to reduced healthcare-associated infections, better HCAHPS scores & longer lifecycle performance.  

January 2018 Webinar

This webinar introduces the new, easier to use, online interface for The Center’s Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) toolkit, a proactive and systematic approach to designing and renovating healthcare facilities for safety. Originally developed through research and consensus to support the requirements of the FGI Guidelines, The Center's research team will walk you through the why, what, and how of each part of the online SRA toolkit illustrating features with vignettes gathered from the testing process.  

Project Brief
March 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: the interdisciplinary infection control working group created to guide design decisions, the methods used to protect individuals from infection during the construction process, and the design strategies implemented in the new facility to reduce the spread of infections.

Project Brief
March 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: the benefits of creating multidisciplinary stakeholder teams, the complications that can arise with some antimicrobial cleaners, and the close connection between cleaning standards and furniture selection.