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Insights & Solutions

December 2015 Tool

This Ambulatory Care Center Design Tool (ACCDT), developed by Dr. Anjali Joseph and Dr. Zahra Zamani from Clemson University in collaboration with The Center for Health Design (CHD), builds upon a series of papers, best practice case studies and in-depth literature reviews conducted by CHD as well as CHD's Clinic Design Post-Occupancy Evaluation Toolkit – Tool 2 Audit of Physical Environment with additions from a thesis by Crews (2013). The tool supports design teams in making key design decisions about ambulatory care centers linked to evidence based design goals and principles.

Project Brief
August 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: how the Princeton HealthCare System created a comprehensive campus to meet an array of medical and wellness needs for multiple generations, evidence-based design principles that were incorporated into the built environment, and how the new facility is positioned to respond to the changing healthcare field.

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July 2013 Webinar

Want a glimpse into a scary and exciting future? An experienced architect and healthcare leader team up to provide their view of what is coming and how to prepare for it. In an era of rapid, disruptive, transparent change, they show you why you must move beyond today’s best practice to tomorrow’s next practice. They suggest 10 rules that will help you get there.