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Insights & Solutions

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April 2019 Webinar

By combining observation, interviews, simulation, and rapid prototyping, this team developed design solutions that help healthcare workers stay safe while engaged in challenging tasks. This webinar brings the experience of the healthcare practitioners who cared for Ebola patients during the 2014 outbreak and introduces a human-centered discovery approach developed by design researchers at SimTigrate Design Lab to define the design requirements of spaces where the risk of self- and cross-contamination is the highest.

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March 2019 Webinar

This webinar will focus on a case study on the efficient design of one of the largest treatment centers for infectious diseases in the U.S. The University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston’s new six-bed bio-containment critical care unit will serve as a multifunctional patient care space that is equipped to treat patients with the most highly contagious diseases. 

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May 2018 Webinar

In this webinar, you will learn about an innovative clinic design and care-delivery model, as well as the real-time locating system (RTLS) technology that supports it. Yet how do you design a clinic and its workflow without a waiting room, where exam rooms are always free for the next patient, where patients make their own way through the halls, and where providers and staff easily know where to go next?

February 2018 Interview

Learn about how the design of a new psychiatric facility strives to normalize mental illness through carefully chosen materials with the goal of creating a “homey,” non-institutional setting, why private patient rooms will be included in the new final building as an important part of the design concept, and how research helped shape the architects’ beliefs that the built environment should support patients’ dignity and independence as part of the recovery process.

March 2017 Tool

Built environment strategies can help healthcare organizations and communities promote healthy living, reduce obesity, and prevent chronic disease. Given the increasing focus on community health and preventive medicine, it is important that healthcare organizations and the communities they serve incorporate built environment strategies that result in healthy behavior.

With support from the Kresge Foundation, The Center for Health Design has developed a standardized Community Health Center Facility Evaluation tool that supports design for population health. The tool is intended to support both design and post-occupancy evaluation of built projects with respect to population health goals.

March 2017 Tool

Built environment strategies can help healthcare organizations and communities promote healthy living, reduce obesity, and prevent chronic disease. Given the increasing focus on community health and preventive medicine, it is important that healthcare organizations and the communities they serve incorporate built environment strategies that result in healthy behavior.

With support from the Kresge Foundation, The Center for Health Design has developed a standardized Community Health Center Facility Evaluation tool that supports design for population health. The tool is intended to support both design and post-occupancy evaluation of built projects with respect to population health goals.

November 2015 Tool

This Clinic Design Post Occupancy Evaluation Toolkit is self-administered and provides a way to collect a variety of data on the physical enviornment, subjective perception of users, and objective healthcare outcomes.

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March 2013 Webinar

In this webinar learn about the role of the FGI Guidelines in project design and development – What they are; who uses them; and why they are an important as a reference in project reviews, learn about the proposed change to the 2014 Guidelines – How your work will be affected and where to find the research/evidence to support “Access to Nature” in your next project, obtain an understanding of the “Environment of Care” concept – Its basis, components, and use in overall project design, and identify the Advocacy role of the Environmental Standards Council, how it supports the work of the Center for Health Design, and how you can participate.

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March 2015 Webinar

A Safety Risk Assessment (SRA) is required as part of the 2014 FGI Guidelines for the Design and Construction of Hospitals and Outpatient Facilities. To support this, The Center for Health Design has been developing a toolkit to provide a systematic way of addressing the underlying conditions that may cause risk for adverse events in healthcare. This offers teams a way to proactively engage in safety-based discussions early in the process with opportunities for check-ins throughout the project lifecycle. 

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September 2014 Webinar

Healthy soundscapes are paramount to the missions of hospitals: patients need to sleep and heal without unnecessary environmental stressors; staff, patients, and family need to communicate accurately but privately; staff need to be able to localize alarms and calls for help. There is growing research evidence of the potentially negative effects of poor soundscapes on hospital occupants. Explore recent findings from the Healthcare Acoustics Research Team (HART), an international collaboration of specialists in architecture, engineering, medicine, nursing, and psychology.