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July 2013 Webinar

In 2011, The Center for Health Design published a glossary of healthcare environment terms and outcome measures commonly used in evidence-based design research for seven key healthcare topics, many of which are tied to CMS reimbursement formulas: health-care associated infections, medical errors, patient falls, patient satisfaction, patient waiting, staff efficiency and staff satisfaction. Learn about the methods used to create the EBD glossary, the work underway to expand the Glossary using the CHD Knowledge Repository, and how you might use this tool in your construction project, during your design education and with EBD research studies.

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June 2013 Webinar

With an unprecedented growth in clinic construction, clinic leaders across the nation increasingly recognize the potential benefits of an evidence-based clinic design approach in improving patient, staff, and organizational outcomes. However, knowledge gaps widely exist and knowledge sharing is impeded by the lack of a central information repository. The webinar will focus on the development and testing of a post-occupancy evaluation (POE) tool as well as a database for community health centers to enable building evaluation and sharing of findings. 

Project Brief
March 2015 Project Brief

Learn about: sustainable healthcare and what it means to Adelante, the organization's method to evaluate design and operational needs for their new flagship facility, and specific strategies implemented to improve patient and provider communication.