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Insights & Solutions

March 2017 Tool

Built environment strategies can help healthcare organizations and communities promote healthy living, reduce obesity, and prevent chronic disease. Given the increasing focus on community health and preventive medicine, it is important that healthcare organizations and the communities they serve incorporate built environment strategies that result in healthy behavior.

With support from the Kresge Foundation, The Center for Health Design has developed a standardized Community Health Center Facility Evaluation tool that supports design for population health. The tool is intended to support both design and post-occupancy evaluation of built projects with respect to population health goals.

March 2017 Tool

Built environment strategies can help healthcare organizations and communities promote healthy living, reduce obesity, and prevent chronic disease. Given the increasing focus on community health and preventive medicine, it is important that healthcare organizations and the communities they serve incorporate built environment strategies that result in healthy behavior.

With support from the Kresge Foundation, The Center for Health Design has developed a standardized Community Health Center Facility Evaluation tool that supports design for population health. The tool is intended to support both design and post-occupancy evaluation of built projects with respect to population health goals.

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February 2015 Webinar

CHD 2014 Changemaker Award Winner Avein Saaty-Tafoya, CEO of Adelante Healthcare, outlines the vision, planning, construction, and implementation phases of the 43,000 sq. ft. comprehensive health center that is Adelante Healthcare Mesa. By engaging staff, patients, board members, the CHD Pebble design community and research partners at CHD and AZ State University, Adelante has demonstrated that EBD is not only possible but an asset when the not-for-profit and ambulatory sectors of the system are developing Capital projects. 

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January 2015 Webinar

In 2014, Dodge Data and Analytics (DD&A) conducted a wide-reaching study of the perception of building impacts on health among design and construction industry professionals in the commercial, institutional and residential sectors, medical professionals, human resources executives and owners. This webinar presents the findings of this study. The presentation incorporates findings from other DD&A studies on the importance of collaboration, which can be a critical factor for preserving both green and healthy building priorities by addressing uncertainties that can have negative impacts on project cost, schedule and quality.