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Insights & Solutions

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July 2017 Webinar

During this webinar, Eileen and Lynn will provide an overview of the design team implications for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) three pay-for-performance programs, including the Hospital Readmissions Reduction , Hospital Value-based Purchasing, which includes Hospital Consumer Assessment of the Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, and the Hospital-Acquired Conditions Reduction Program. The speakers will describe how architects, designers and facility managers have an important role in contributing to solutions that help owners achieve targeted outcomes.  

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June 2017 Webinar

This webianr explores how the FGI Guidelines for Design and Construction documents are the design standards most often employed by medical planners, designers, and owners of hospitals and outpatient facilities. Learn how the 2018 revisions may affect the planning and design of new construction and major renovation projects. This webinar also reviews the “scrubbing” of the 2014 documents (e.g., removing outdated requirements, identifying best practice versus minimum requirements, and clearing up conflicts) and how cost/benefit analysis will be a factor in determining the final language.

June 2017 Webinar

This webinar explores how a vast majority of the design community embraces Universal Design as a concept – especially those in health and wellness industries – but true universal design implementation is challenging. In this presentation, two key thought leaders in the universal design arena share expertise and insight around true and tangible universal design: what it means, what it looks like, and how to achieve it. This webinar is the second presentation in a three-part series on universal design. Part 1: “To Age is Human: Universal Design Research and Trends” and is available On Demand. Part 3 will be presented in late 2017/early 2018 and will be presented by a panel of Universal Design futurists.

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June 2017 Webinar

This webinar will reinforce your knowledge of long-standing requirements and provide insights into the newer provisions. Understanding regulatory codes is essential for the proper design of any healthcare facility and recent editions of the codes have introduced new requirements that offer additional design options. 

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May 2017 Webinar

This webinar explores how in late 2016, a multidisciplinary group of healthcare and design experts met to answer these questions. The group came together to conceive a healthcare facility for an established community in Brooklyn, NY that is projected to undergo unprecedented growth. This unique community is comprised of three distinct groups, each with their own healthcare needs. 

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May 2017 Webinar

This webinar explores how payment systems have and will continue to influence these ambulatory environments. The presenters offer an overview of the evolving nature of these ambulatory care sites, their impacts on the networks and healthcare systems, and what the ambulatory care model of may look like in the next five years.

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April 2017 Webinar

This webinar explores the history of clean flow in the medical field, what is fact, what is fiction, the minimum requirements, and if these requirements are truly best practice. Case studies from The Reading Hospital and other medical centers are compared and contrasted in regards to their approach to clean flow. Finally, from the perspective of an Infection Control Director, the webinar identifies how one institution is addressing the mandate to reduce surgical site infections and determine whether the latest edition of the FGI Guidelines is the end point or just the beginning.

April 2017 Tool

This tool provides healthcare designers and professionals with ED throughput principles/goals and how environmental, operational, and people measures can be implemented to achieve said goal. Download the tool by clicking the purple bar above.

Lessons Learned
April 2017 Lessons Learned

The following are compiled from research literature, case studies, interviews, and other materials to provide an overview on the topic of emergency department throughput.  

April 2017 Blog

The best hospital design plans are only as good as the processes and systems they support. What this means when it comes to patient throughput is that a well-thought-out built environment needs to have well-functioning services and policies in place to ensure that things run in a truly optimal way. One way to do this is to include the “right” people in your efforts from the very beginning onward.