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Insights & Solutions

August 2023 Webinar

This webinar will highlight design solutions on both the departmental and facility scale, and through case study examples, identify key strategies to promote staff-centered design.  

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July 2023 Webinar

Clinical staff in healthcare environments, and nurses in particular, have long been required to care for patients at the expense of their own well-being. Post-pandemic, they continually demonstrate that they are overwhelmed, experience emotional exhaustion and burn out, and report depersonalization and perceptions of lack of personal accomplishment.

December 2022 Tool

This tool is meant to assist in planning and design to mitigate clinician burnout.

Design Strategies
December 2022 Design Strategies

Several evidence-based design strategies have been identified to help reduce clinician stress and foster resilience.

Issue Brief
December 2022 Issue Brief

Learn about: the current state of burnout in healthcare; the impact of burnout on clinicians, patients and organizations; and the role of the built environment in mitigating burnout.

Executive Summary
December 2022 Executive Summary

Learn about: the current state of burnout in healthcare; the impact of burnout on clinicians, patients and organizations; and the role of the built environment in mitigating burnout.

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April 2022 Webinar

In this webinar, Sarah Markovitz will outline the prevailing healthcare noise challenge—the conflict of the need to bring people together who need frequent contact, and the resulting distracting noise. She will then outline the potential negative impacts of noise on staff performance, satisfaction, and well-being and offer insights and strategies for how to mitigate those negative impacts. Finally, she’ll share  innovative ideas for restorative, high-performing inpatient unit workspace design that benefits both patients and staff.  

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November 2021 Webinar

This webinar will focus on how we can use the elements of biophilic design to create meaningful work and restorative spaces to support staff in various environments within the healthcare workplace. Biophilic principals and case studies will be shared.

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September 2021 Webinar

This webinar will: describe case studies of a new Penn State Hospital and show how a community art committee guided a major art program to express equity and inclusion by highlighting local artists of color and subjects relating to diversity, tell real stories about how medical centers are using the arts to manage burnout for clinical teams, provide an overview of newly released Core Curriculum on Arts in Health that will offer both artists and health care administrators, guidance on professionalizing the field as well as lead to certification for those working in the field, and include a short review of current literature published on the benefits of Arts in Health throughout the healthcare continuum. 

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September 2021 Webinar

This webinar presents findings from an international study of visual artwork in hospitals around the globe. Through the dual lens of an artist and healthcare professional, Rollins identifies 15 specific 'purposes' of visual artwork in hospitals and presents a compelling case for their use that is grounded in research. A broader understanding of the many functions of artwork in hospitals is hoped to encourage greater variety in art offerings to better serve the many diverse needs of patients, families, visitors and staff within the hospital environment.