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Insights & Solutions

April 2015 Blog

Hospital-acquired infections (HAI) and other easily transmittable diseases are a serious concern in most facilities today. Implementing some of the latest best practices in your physical environment can help to minimize their impact—and help you get the best outcomes from your efforts.

When exploring design options that can help to prevent HAI and keep other infectious diseases from spreading, here are three key factors to consider:

February 2015 Interview

Learn about: the key issues facing healthcare administration as a result of healthcare reform, forward-thinking strategies to manage the challenges associated with healthcare reform and the ways healthcare architects and designers can help envision future healthcare enterprises.

October 2014 Interview

Learn about: the key noise issues facing the industry today, design strategies that can be implemented to mitigate noise, the problems with spaces that are too quiet.

March 2016 Interview

Learn about: the ways technology, design, and healthcare operations should work together, designing for future technologies, and the importance of creating interdisciplinary teams when integrating technology into healthcare spaces.

November 2014 Blog

In the ongoing battle to reduce noise in hospital patient units, much attention has been paid to the floor and the ceiling. Over the years, several case studies have shown that sound-absorbing ceiling tile and carpet can help significantly reduce excess noise on a unit. But what about the walls?

October 2014 Interview

Learn about: why hospitals starting to care more about noise issues, new metrics for noise measurements and why measuring noise in unoccupied rooms is important and holistic approaches to sound reduction.

October 2014 Blog

The issue of excessive noise in healthcare facilities is indeed complicated. Patients need a calm, peaceful environment in which to heal, and loud noises certainly are at odds with that concept. While architectural and design choices can be made to lower the general noise level -- high-performance sound-absorbing materials in floors, ceilings, and walls are examples -- perhaps the most important and effective step a healthcare organization can take is to create a “culture of quiet” among its staff on all levels.

October 2014 Blog

For many years, carpet was considered a no-no for use in most hospital settings beyond waiting areas. The most oft-cited reason was cleanability, as well as a perceived added difficulty for caregivers pushing carts and other wheeled equipment.

However, with the growing awareness of the noise issue in hospitals—including the potential financial repercussions, based on the HCAHPS system and the reimbursements tied to it—carpet is getting a second look in some facilities looking to decrease overall noise levels.

EBD Journal Club
April 2014 EBD Journal Club

Shepley, M. M., Pasha, S., Ferguson, P., Huffcut, J. C., Kiyokawa, G., & Martere, J. (2013). Design research and behavioral health facilities. The Center for Health Design.

Member Project
October 2012 Member Project
KASIAN ARCHITECTURE INTERIOR DESIGN & PLANNING LTD.  Firm's role on the project: Prime Consultant, Architect of Record, Interior Design     About the Project

A set of project drivers act as a tool to facilitate the design team’s comprehension of the main criteria for the project. The drivers for South Health Campus seek to: