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Insights & Solutions

May 2024 Slidecast

Goel, S., Mihandoust, S., Joseph, A., Markowitz, J., Gonzales, A., Browning, M., (2024) Design of pediatric outpatient procedure environments: A pilot study to understand the perceptions of patients and their parents. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal

Outpatient procedures are becoming more commonplace for pediatric patients and managing patient and caregiver anxiety associated with treatment is an important aspect of care. This study was conducted in a pediatric outpatient facility where gastrointestinal procedures were performed. Researchers followed child/parent dyads through different phases of treatment (waiting room, pre-procedure room, procedure room, and recovery room), monitored two physiologic stress indicators via wrist sensor, and asked them to identify features of each space that they liked or disliked. Although the physiologic metrics were not statistically significant, responses suggested children experienced most anxiety in the waiting and pre-procedure rooms and parents were most anxious in the waiting room during their child’s procedure. For both groups, anxiety was lowest in the recovery room. Waiting and pre-procedure room distractions could help alleviate anxiety in children and their caregivers.

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April 2024 Webinar

For years, the Stantec team has made hands-on, life-sized collaboration a key phase in developing designs, inviting professionals and end users to explore and give feedback to design ideas in real time. Recently, their design experts explored an experimental design process that combines typical analog mockup with the power of generative AI. This webinar will share their process and explore application of this design concept for two care spaces focused on behavioral health. See how this approach improves the quality and accuracy of the design, is fast and realistic, builds consensus, deepens stakeholder engagement, and democratizes the design process!  

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April 2024 Webinar

This webinar will describe the design process of this unique project, merging the behavioral health expertise of BWBR with the local leadership of BCRA, working together with the Washington Department of Social and Health Services. See how they defined and developed a new model of care for community-based treatment for individuals involuntarily committed by a civil court order for inpatient mental health treatment. Explore the benefits of community-based treatment, lessons learned (and applied) after 12 months of occupancy at the first facility completed, and gain insights gathered from surveying facility staff on successes and opportunities that can be applied in the three buildings still under construction. 

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March 2024 Webinar

This webinar will describe the team’s approach to adaptive reuse, repurposing vacant retail space to provide direct health benefits for the patients, families and staff who access the facility and live within the neighborhood. Presenters will share their toolset to gather community input regarding needs and culture and offer considerations for projects seeking to become a Federally Qualified Health Center.  

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March 2024 Webinar

Join the two founders of Cornerstone for a discussion about the current challenges in healthcare and their thoughts for a path forward. They’ll discuss an aspirational model for a new approach, connect how whole health is essential to public health, and share examples of how this model has been applied (and been successful) in various case study settings. See how a systems approach to healthcare is essential to radical and productive change and can usher in a new era of health and wellness.  

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February 2024 Webinar

This webinar will tell the story of the Parramore community and its revitalization efforts guided by 10 Healthy Community Design (HCD) Principals and will provide an overview of the community engagement process, community vision, status of project implementation with lessons learned, and new tools available for addressing health and social equity issues. Presenters will offer creative, practical solutions that can preserve, revive, and connect a neighborhood’s health and wellness to the city at large.  

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February 2024 Webinar

In this webinar hear what happened when two of the industry’s leading healthcare design researchers teamed up with senior leaders in Project Planning and Nursing from Indiana University Health Adult Academic Health Center to take their design decision-making to the next level. They’ll share their highly-collaborative design and evaluation process along with the unique patient room design insights they uncovered.

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Affiliate Member Webinar
February 2024 Affiliate Member Webinar

Neonatal Intensive Care Units contain some of the most fragile and vulnerable patient populations. Many NICU babies have little ability to regulate their own bodily systems, heightening the importance of their immediate environment in their development. Much research in this area is still needed. The purpose of this research study was to conduct a multiple method pre and post occupancy evaluation of an academic medical center’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). This study followed a mixed-method approach wherein surveying via questionnaires were used to evaluate user perceptions.  Lighting measures and acoustic readings were used to support the questionnaire responses. Most of these methods have been previously tested for reliability and have been used during pre- and post-occupancy evaluations during other facility assessments. The mixed-method approach leads to triangulation of findings and helped to inform lessons learned. EDAC Advocate firms partner with The Center for Health Design to promote the evidence-based design and the signicance of research in healthcare design.

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Affiliate Member Webinar
February 2024 Affiliate Member Webinar

Loneliness and social disconnection harm our health and our well-being. The good news is that design can help. There are numerous ways that the design of the built environment can foster happier, healthier and more connected lives from the design of neighborhoods to workplaces and even hospitals. Join us to explore evidence-based principles and strategies for designing for connection. Erin Peavey will be sharing her own research and stories from her podcast, Shared Space, focused on the topic.